A group for the dread~ed heads of SG. Everything from tips on how to keep them nappies happy to the history of dreadlocks. Everything is welcome: personal stories, tips, methods, history, links, pictures, and just basic chit chat.
A place to explore the many wonderful aspects of the gothic culture. From art to literature, music to film, fashion to photography, this place will explore these subjects and the artists within them.
A group dedicated to the discussion of medical cannabis and its uses and related social and political issues.
A place for SuicideGirls, Team Photographers, and Hopefuls to discuss travel plans, upcoming shootfests, Blackheart Burlesque tour promo, etc.
This is a group for anyone interested in the Suicide Girls Live Show. Here is where you can find tour dates, audition information, local shows, news, contests and talk about anything burlesque or touring.
Come join us for discussion about footwear of all kinds. This group is open to both men and women alike. Feel free to start up a thread!
A place to explore all things related to Black Culture. Best of all, find your favorite Black SG Hopefuls & SuicideGirls! Mods: @knoxxia @eirenne
Anime > real life
This group is dedicated to discussing any subject relating to ALIENS & UFO's.