Wednesday Nov 28, 2007 Nov 27, 2007 0 Facebook Tweet Email VIEW 3 of 3 COMMENTS doolittle: hi. you rule. that's all. (ps: i don't care if you're not used to my [soon our] kitchen yet, i think it's your turn to make dinner tonight) (pps: if every day starts off as perfect as the past few day's mornings have it will be really really hard to stop smiling all the time) Nov 28, 2007 dunn3rd: Well IT is not SuperMan Nov 28, 2007
you rule.
that's all.
(ps: i don't care if you're not used to my [soon our] kitchen yet, i think it's your turn to make dinner tonight)
(pps: if every day starts off as perfect as the past few day's mornings have it will be really really hard to stop smiling all the time)