Wow i have'nt been here in a long long time!! eVERYONE has wrote so many nice things and all the happy birthdays!
Things have perked up in the past couple months, i got a lot of bittersweet money and i'm trying to figure out the best thing to do with it, something guilt free! i did buy a car! A 2002 Lancer i named it THE BLATZMOBLIE, i'm gonna hot glue a can of Blatz to the hood. If you hear Roadkill a commin you better start runnin!
I shaved off the mohawk too
i miss it already!oh and the bank totally fucked me outta 250.00! I had'nt work in like two weeks and my boyfriend had quit his job(this was a while ago) and i overdrew my account by like 9 dollars and they charged me like 7 dollars a day and they gave me no notice at all! I found out like 2weeks later when i went to cash a check and they told me! So the miral of the story is NEVER TRUST A BANK CALLED US BANK your settin yourself up to get fucked in the ass!
Oh and me and my boyfriend did finally get back together and have been pretty good latley.
My two greatest,prettiest,funnist,i know they'll read this friends have ask me to move in a room with them! I've been thinking about it, but i don't know if i'm going too! It would be so much fun and i'd be back in Middletown, but i don't know if i want to move outta danny's, i get to be with my man all day! But i could be with my best friends all day and still see danny! What should i do?
Things have perked up in the past couple months, i got a lot of bittersweet money and i'm trying to figure out the best thing to do with it, something guilt free! i did buy a car! A 2002 Lancer i named it THE BLATZMOBLIE, i'm gonna hot glue a can of Blatz to the hood. If you hear Roadkill a commin you better start runnin!
I shaved off the mohawk too

Oh and me and my boyfriend did finally get back together and have been pretty good latley.

My two greatest,prettiest,funnist,i know they'll read this friends have ask me to move in a room with them! I've been thinking about it, but i don't know if i'm going too! It would be so much fun and i'd be back in Middletown, but i don't know if i want to move outta danny's, i get to be with my man all day! But i could be with my best friends all day and still see danny! What should i do?

i'd move in wih my friends. i always seems to keeps the boys sweet. AND, you can always have fun naughty sleepovers with your boy too!!
