new Years was bad ass! I went to my friends Jeni, Cory , and Dereks house and we all got drunkand hung out. Danny got drunk beond belief and puked all over him self. He always smoked pot and if you known danny you'd understand how crazy that is!
I on the other hand got sloppy drunk on southern comfort and ran around slapping people in the balls! Take that JD!! Dyed my hair again, it's plum and wildfire! Sounds cool right?
I on the other hand got sloppy drunk on southern comfort and ran around slapping people in the balls! Take that JD!! Dyed my hair again, it's plum and wildfire! Sounds cool right?

You ever get to see Toxic when ben was playin bagpipes and bass? I've never seen such a huge fuckin pit as when they played Paddy's Leather Britches. They definatly put on one of the best shows ever.
honestly i hate work..but imvery thankful for my job, i like being independentand making money so i can do what I want onmy off time.. ya dig