I doubt anyone reads these anymore, since I've been gone for a while, but I'm once again up too late, even though I have work early tomorrow.
I recently got a cat to keep me company. Her name is Bella and I adopted her from an animal shelter. I'll post some pictures later perhaps. She's very silly and keeps me a little more sane.
I have lots of credit card debit and apparently I might get sued. I have no money, though. I'm a poor student that works part time.
I've been watching a lot of movies lately. Last night was El Orfanato (The Orphanage). It's a nice creepy ghost story. I watched Marebito the other day also. It's a very bizarre psychological Japanese horror film. I highly recommend it to anyone who likes J-Horror. It is pretty slow, like most J-Horror, but very atmospheric and creepy (and it's not really a ghost story like most).
Anyway, I'm off to bed now. I hope anyone who happens to read this is doing well and thanks for reading my rambling.
I recently got a cat to keep me company. Her name is Bella and I adopted her from an animal shelter. I'll post some pictures later perhaps. She's very silly and keeps me a little more sane.
I have lots of credit card debit and apparently I might get sued. I have no money, though. I'm a poor student that works part time.
I've been watching a lot of movies lately. Last night was El Orfanato (The Orphanage). It's a nice creepy ghost story. I watched Marebito the other day also. It's a very bizarre psychological Japanese horror film. I highly recommend it to anyone who likes J-Horror. It is pretty slow, like most J-Horror, but very atmospheric and creepy (and it's not really a ghost story like most).
Anyway, I'm off to bed now. I hope anyone who happens to read this is doing well and thanks for reading my rambling.
Thank you for the blog comment on the 22nd of October when my friend passed away truly it means alot and I am very glad to have friends like you who care again thank you!
Thanks for the comment the other day, it is indeed a strange thing but it's part of life and we all have to try to accept it I guess. I am a book addict too, I'm always buying more whenever I have spare money :-)