Due to certain cllass alignment issues, from now on, I shall only use my powers for good instead of evil. Still undecided on the whole lawful/neutral/chaotic thing though. No matter what, I will continue to receive a penalty when wearing anything heavier than leather armour.
I want to update my journal, but I've got nothing to say. So I'll let the man in black take over from here.

I hear the train a comin'; it's rollin' 'round the bend,
And I ain't seen the sunshine since I don't know when.
I'm stuck at Folsom Prison and time keeps draggin' on.
But that train keeps rollin' on down to San Antone....
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the man in black will suffice for desribing feelings on many a day.
The other night at work, after a particularly nasty call,I went outside for a smoke break. Flying around in the parking lot were a bunch of bats, just circling around. All I could do was stare and watch the amazing show going on over my head. Call me an optomist, but I like those odd little reminders of how neat life can be.
"It may be hard to believe, that I'm reiticent,
But baby, you didn't know me when."
Damn. It's been over a week since I posted anything in my journal. It's been a good week, which unfortunately has ended badly with some $$$ issues. I suppose I should preface this by stating that I'm drunk right now. Anything (including spelling and grammar errors) in this journal entry should be accepted in that context.

I have noticed an annoying myth that has seemingly...
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Being called a 'nice guy' is not much of a compliment.
I've always hated it, but that's probably because it always seems to be the way to qualify your relationship.
Nice Guy = "I really do like you, and would be happy if someone i knew and liked hooked up with you, but you're really not what I'm into."

Yeah, I saw that on Fark the other day. While I will admit to some of the needy clingy guy shit the writer accuses all nice guys of, my recent experiences have been that I will probably say about half a dozen words before the woman puts me in the category of nice guy. I think I have simply built up a rep as a nice guy and must go out and make a new set of friends for whom I am not a nice guy. It just seems a bit silly to me that if a woman says I am a nice guy I must abandon any chance of a romantic relationship with her. Oh, well, one of the side benefits of being a nice guy is that women tend to tell you all their problems they have with guys. I actually had a woman tell me, "You're a nice guy, it's just a shame I'm only attracted to guys I know will cheat on me." She then went on and slept with her ex-bf that had cheated on her at least 5 times (probably more, but he'll only admit to 5.) At that point all I could do was offer her my sympathies and ponder how f'd up people are. (I could just be a misogynist at this point and whine about women, but I know my friends and I have been guilty of similar behavior.
I have no idea why I thought this was a good idea, but today in a pique of poredom, I decided to see what would happen if I lit my arm hairs on fire with a lighter. It turns out theyjust crinkle up a bit and i end up with a light layer of ash. Looks like I have a new party trick. Don't try...
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I've done that. It smells really bad.
You play some dangerous games, boy! Just be careful. wink Anyway, I just wanted to thank you so much for your comment on my journal entry. Seeing that this morning really made my day. I'll never been a size 0, I'm not even a size 10, but that's okay. Oh, the for the record, I don't have a guy. I tend to frighten them away!
I have a couple of stories in my head that I'm working on right now. They're not very good right now, but they keep changing, so hopwfully when I set them down to paper they will be spectacular. probably no. I'll probably revise them a hundred times before they become good. They'll probably never be published, but hopefully, once written down, they'll leave my head...
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Never mind. It's stopped raining. Now we can finally go back outside. Into the 95 degree heat and 90% humidity. Hey wait, I've just noticed that there are pictures of boobies on my computer monitor.