Random fun linky thing:


(I also set it as my website, so you can just click on it.)
I have been there for the past hour and a half and cannot pass 19.

I did it~!
Decent night tonight. Got to sit around drinking 40 oz's of Mickey's with my friends, playing GTA 3 and Super Monkey Bal 2, then watching skateboarding videos. I would probably appreciate the videos more if I knew more about skating than what I learned from playing Tony Hawk.

P.S. Am I the only who keeps trying to do Weird Capitilizations while drunk?

So I'm thinking of moving. Not that I dislike living in Austin particularly, I just feel like I need to spend more time farther away from where I grew up, and now is probably as good a time as any, since I don't have any really strong ties here at the moment. I've spent 22 of my 24 years living in Texas, and those...
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I say try out Canada!
It's really not as cold s they make it out to be here. Here in Canada, we maker fun of certain Canadian cities for being fucking frigid.

....but I guess if your coming from Texas.....

I would really reccomend trying out Toronto. I loveth it here. It's beauuutiful, and not TOO much colder than New York.
Nothing too exciting go on, so I figured I would just tell an amusing story from my days of working in interet tech support.

One morning a lady called in complaining that she had gone to a web site where she was asked to concentrate on a card, and the card was then removed. She was convinced that the computer had read her mind, and...
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Do all tech support guys live in Texas?
You should have told her that, yes he computer was reading her mind and if she didn't send you $20,000 it was gonna eat her too.
I want the Martha Stewart cokehead story!
48 hours since my last cigarrete. I am bouncing off of the fucking walls. I don't understand how people gain wait going cold turkey. I feel like I could run a marathon right now. Just got back from picking up a pack of Chewlie's Gum. Hopefully that'll help.
I've decide to work towards some self improvement, so I've decided to start off by giving smoking and drinking. It's been 24 hours since the last cigarette, and although I REALLY want another one, I think In another day or two I'll pretty much be over it. (I'm a half pack a day smoker, if anyone is wondering.)

As for the drinking, I've had some...
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Remind me not to get drunk and write in my journal.
Don't get drunk and write in your journal
I have a very similar problem!
We should have online designated drivers.
Actually, right now I'm drunk, tired, lonely, and broke. If anyone wants to be my gf, let me know. Otherwise, I'm about to go to bed.

p.s. check my last journal entry. I'm rather proud of it.
Loved the journal entry. Reminds me of Dennis Leary at his best. (that's a good thing) I'd be proud of a journal entry like that as well.

You like the Jerk. I love that movie.

and I don't want to be your girlfriend but thanks for asking
I'm hungry. I want a burger. A nice juicy all-American Hamburger. You can keep your succulent Kobe beef. Give me the ground meat where they just toss a dead cow into a meat grinder, including the internal organs and bones, and call it good. Complete with the USDA recommended daily allowance of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy. Don't bother putting any lettuce or onions on this burger....
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OK. So I lied. I'm all out of brilliant insights tonight. A co-worker sent me this:
and I spent 8 hours tying to get on the leader board. My personal best is 534.736. I will be on the board. Oh yes I will.
That was dumb. I'm editing that out and I'll work to come up with something better for tonight.
People are shocked when they find out I'm an atheist. You don't see many of us around here. What I always find interesting is the first question people ask me when they find out. I think it says something about why they believe. What about morality/llife after death/ meaning of life? I think it says a lot about why they continue to have their religious...
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Hey, guy.
I hear ya all the way. I was a Christain by default until I grew up enough to ask some questions...and the answers never satisfied me.

I've considered myself an atheist since I was 11ish, and found out it was Susan Smith who killed her children. Bizarre, eh?

Lately, I've been studying Buddhism, because I, too, am looking for something that I can get behind.

You and I have a bit in common.