I'm such a dork. I keep trying to come up with a new idea for a tattoo, and everything I come up with is something either Simpsons related, or just something else equally nerdy. Oh well. It's not like the first time I ever noticed that I'm a geek.

Also this quote, thought I would share:
Imagine the people who believe such things and who...
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If you are stll awake, you should be on AImm, you know.

I'm de-runk and want to flirt with a sexy shaved haeaded texan
Dayum thrak, you got an SG up on yo jock!


Hey man, muthafuckin last team game tonight. and you know your favorite little butt buddies are gonna get spanked tonight. HAHA. they're stuck with ORION. i'm pretty sure he's scored 0 or negative points every game we've place yet they're so damn heistant to vote him off. oh well, it makes it easier for us to WHOOP em!


you should see if you can get a spec spot on the server tonight if you're not doing anything else. it'd be fun to watch anyway.....
So, I've been busted. A couple of friends found this site, and my username on it and so they now know my deep dark secret. I pay money to look at naked women. Oh well.

Other than that, my life is pretty much back to normal. I'm healthy again, and going back to work. Had lunch with my sister today, which was pretty weird, since...
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I just got busted too. I guess it's different BEING the porn, though.

We should share issues, Thrak. AND I just bought the Fight Club DVD from a VENDING MACHINE. Can you believe that? Used the old Mastercard, even though I can hardly afford to keep paying the bill.

I had to buy it, just because I could.
Yawp, at least it wasn't your mom and your boss, now that's just funny...
Around 4 this morning I was awakened from my Nyquil induced slumber by a drunk woman screaming about her missing purse while Billy Joel's greatest hits played in the background. Apparently my roommate decided that the best course of action while having a sick roommate is to invite all of his friends to come over to hang out and get really drunk. So this morning...
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Being sick blows that is why I choose not to get sick.
Well this sucks. Right now I'm really thhirsty, but no matter how much I drink, I'm still thirsty. And I know what that means. I'm not sick yet, but I will be in the next day or so. This sucks on so many levels.
Hey, where do you live anyway?
I know the sign of the oncoming sickness.... my me , my elbows get week that when I know the sore throat will start then I will be sick. Drink beer.. It wont help but maybe when you wake up you will be ok
I don't care what everybody says around here. I'm still having a good time here. And I'm sorry, but unless it descends to the level of calling someone a f@Go1 fucktard, then it's not really that negative.

Actually, here's an idea, maybe it's just that everybody's being so nice to each other, they're not getting a chance to let out their natural aggressions, so it's...
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Ahh, i see (didnt see that little 02 down there).

Yeah, the reason i asked is because skylock is actually who refered me to this site.
Well, as you can see, you were completely wrong about us losing tonight. actually we KICKED ASS! i'll post more about it tomorrow morning.
It seems like the validity of my opinions has been inversely proportional to the strength of my beliefs. In other words, the more I believe in something, the more I was actually wrong.

I don't claim to have the answers. I'm just doing my best with the information I've been given.

Feel free to prove me wrong.
Well, when I'm feeling low, and let it be known in my journal....

you NEVER fail to say the right thing. Ever.

Also, email me some of those other books. I have a lot of spare time on my hands lately.
great location, by the way ... hehehe doggie hell.
Woohoo. Soprano's Season premiere tonight. I love that show.

And I just noticed that I'm on Toreena's crush list. Today is such a great day. I think I 'm going to do a little dance now.
A description of last night in Haiku form:

My friends can't be found
Friday played AOE2
Man, my life is dull.
"I am also NOT a pussy."

You know what I think I'm going to do? Check out some of your favorite books, and read them.

Because someone who has such similar taste in movies, MUST share it in literary material, too.
And I thought I was the only adult who actually still *liked* Gulliver's Travels.

My Friday was pretty lame this week, too. Planned to go catch Mister Sinus Theater spoofing Dirty Dancing, but ended up catching an extra 40 winks instead.

You're from Austin, too, no?
My boss needs to get more facial expressions. Right now he only seems to have one which he uses whenever he's firing people and whenever he's giving someone a raise. Which is unnerving when I'm getting promoted or a raise. Like the raise I got today. Whoo-hoo. Time to go hit the nudie bar.

Umm... just kidding.
Lucky bastard. Today my boss sideswiped my car!!!
I usually try to be apolitical and lighthearted around around here, but after reading some of the comments in the boards and on people's journals, I've got a few things I'd like to say.

Fuck Jerry Falwell. Fuck Susan Sontag. And fuck everybody else who says America had it coming. Fuck those who danced at our misfortunes last year. You have no more moral superiority...
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You win the prize. It was Sartre who said that. The french aren't really that bad. They only sneer that way because of their language. They do smell a little though.
Ironic considering I'd just decided to start posting again. I just wanted to give other parties a break long enough to not leap down my throat, mainly for their own posterity more then minewink Also, a good excuse to get some work editing sets done... time consuming.

I appreciate deeply what you said, hon. Yes, I'm outspoken. Too much sometimes, I suppose, but to Hell with it. However, I've kept my mouth shut out of respect for the owners of this site who might NOT appreciate the verbal haranguing I can dole out for ten hours straight if I decide to (back imprinting from other boards, lol...)

Yeah, I'll start posting, fuck it. Also, I'm getting tired of clamping my mouth on everything. I do it because I'm bad at it, it's practice for someday when I grow up and become a princess, lol...

And if you have any spare unicorns or castles in the clouds lurking around, please do send them my way.
Finally got my piercing cherry popped and got my ear pierced yesterday. Actually, I got a ring through the top of my ear. Also, you know that little groove on the top of your? Apparently mine is freakishly huge, the piercer said he had only seen one or two like mine. How's that for something completely random?

Other than that, nothing much going on recently....
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English mutha fucka.... can you speak it?

I love that movie
Just got paid, and I've already spent most of it on bills. With what's left I plan on hitting the bookstore and adding to my evergrowing collection of books I need to read. Possibly also pick up a cd or two. And afterwards, I think I shall get something pierced. Then probably go out drinking to celebrate my friend getting a new job that doesn't...
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Whoa! I just got paid, too. I bought two CD's...and take a guess what one of them was.

Johnny Cash - Super Hits

Question: Why does it say Shel Silverstein beside A Boy named Sue? Don't EVEN tell me Johnny didn't write that himself!

And I recognize that name from the book "Where the Sidewalk Ends".

The other CD was a collection of Funk, but that's for a friend. Kind of a joke that stemmed from me drunkenly claiming that there's NO SUCH THING as funk music.

And both times I wrote funk up there I typo'd them and wrote fuck.

