so yeah, the thing with my fiance's sister, is she's making all of these accuisations up. About her parents hating me and saying i have no drive in life, and shit like that. She's so jealous that her sister is engaged to me, and she jumps from boyfriend to boyfriend to boyfriend every other month or so. She just can't handle being alone, and it's fucking sad really. She'll talk shit about me behind my back, to Bettie (my fiance'), yet won't say anything to me. Fucking coward. I mean seriously come on. All she has are lies. She's failing Psychology AGAIN (yes this is her second year taking it) So she gets pissed off and tell Bettie that I'm only passing my classes including Psyche, because I'm at an Institute, and not a University. HAHA. She's going to college for something she doesn't even want to do. She'll complain about it to Bettie and everyone, but won't do anything about it because she is afraid of her parents. It's sad really. Here is a song in response to her:
Dead Kennedys: "Macho Insecurity"
Name one thing on earth lower than a tough guy
Who talks with his fists instead of using his head
Who beats the shit out of anything it can't understand
Behind the muscle mask is a scared little boy
called Macho insecurity
Macho insecurity
Macho insecurity
'Cause you can't stand
Got a bitch with me?
Why won't you say it to my face?
It's so easy to mouth off to others
But where's your proof?
Maybe we can talk if you'd just drop your act
Nothing's ever solved by making childish threats
That's Macho Insecurity
Why do you want people to be so afraid of you?
Why are you so scared of anything that's different?
No one's ever there when you need friends
You wonder why:
It's 'cause you take yourself so seriously
But being such a clown
Gives the rest of us the right to laugh
At your Macho Insecurity
'Cause you can't stand yourself
Dead Kennedys: "Macho Insecurity"
Name one thing on earth lower than a tough guy
Who talks with his fists instead of using his head
Who beats the shit out of anything it can't understand
Behind the muscle mask is a scared little boy
called Macho insecurity
Macho insecurity
Macho insecurity
'Cause you can't stand
Got a bitch with me?
Why won't you say it to my face?
It's so easy to mouth off to others
But where's your proof?
Maybe we can talk if you'd just drop your act
Nothing's ever solved by making childish threats
That's Macho Insecurity
Why do you want people to be so afraid of you?
Why are you so scared of anything that's different?
No one's ever there when you need friends
You wonder why:
It's 'cause you take yourself so seriously
But being such a clown
Gives the rest of us the right to laugh
At your Macho Insecurity
'Cause you can't stand yourself