finally went out and bought some new fucking shoes, if you shit heads want to take a look, just go to my pictures, it's in there somewhere, and I bought Kill Bill V.1 Hell yeah, gonna watch that just as many times as I did in the theater...Way too many fucking times. It seems there is a Kevin Bacon flick on every channel at my place. I can't take it. Soon I'm gonna put in a porno and I'll be jerking off to the Bacon-ator!! It's rediculous. Either that or i'm gonna have to record myself fondling myself and then jerk off to that. Won't someone end the MADNESS!!! ahhh, well I think I'm gonna buy something off this damn site. And to refraise, the bulldog picture is in with my pictures, not on my website or in the Suicide Boys Group.

. . . and i thought you were gonna crack a joke about me being old, heh