so i was this girl for almost 6 years, and last April she leaves me, which wasn't a big deal because the relationship was falling apart anyway. Then after she realizes that I don't want to be with her, she wants to get back with me. We were engaged and all, but that was mainly just because we had been together for so damn long. This girl was strange in any aspect of the word. She thought masturbation was nasty and she would never do it, nor did she want me to do it. Needless to say I couldn't keep any attention away from my loin region. Masturbation is a gift, & I wouldn't be the one to say nay, to my penis. Anyway to go on...we never had sex which wasn't a big deal, because I had never had sex before and wasn't really addicted to it as of yet. We didn't really have anything in common in the sex life anyway, I'm a freak (S&M, bondage, bodily name it I'm into it...except Scat, and any bodily fluid transfer) And how can you be jealous of the person you are with and so called are in love with. Plus she was in there Pro-Homosexual Groups in college, which is completely cool, but when you're "straight" and leading the group and doing ALL the work and the actual homosexuals aren't doing anything, and you're blowing off your fiance' and time you could be spending with him for this group, I mean yes i understand you have to have time to do things, but you also have to manage time with your signifigant other. She was also having dreams about her friend Erin, lude dreams, goddamn this is so complicated. It's just *cough* funny as hell to talk about. Now she's dating some girl. ahhhh, the life. hahaha
Posted some New Pictures. Enjoy!

Posted some New Pictures. Enjoy!

stuart townsend
[Edited on Apr 14, 2004 10:09AM]
You should have just slit her throat and been done with it.
then masterbated in her neck.