off i go to the great easter bunny in the sky. fluffy in the sky with diamonds.....?? anyway, probably bee gone all weekend, due to easter dinner, at least my family is as non-religious as I am and it's a good reason to get some fucking grub in my gut. so take it easy. they'll probably make me bartend for them. fucking lushes....

hahahaha just noticed some of the pictures you have in your pics section... heehee some of them look so familiar :-P
so yeah i'm finally out of the marine corps, thank the fucking almighty....if i believed in that shit. I'm a certified bartender now, mixing drinks and creating new shit in the privacy of my own home. uhh, and i'm getting ready to start school at a tech. school. probably going to be an EMT Technician or maybe one of those crazy ass ambulance drivers. i'm glad you enjoy my pictures. to be honest i was alittle hesitant to put you on my buddy list, since we just stopped talking thought you didn't want anything to do with me. i randomly IM you on AIM, but never any response....that's me being dumb though. I missed you too, and all your *huggles* heheh, well i will leave you with a kiss. *MUAH* *humps your oh so familiar leg* mmm, hairy yet smooth just like I like them.
g'night my love.