Goddamn, just bought School of Rock, what a brilliant movie. Met that motherfucker in Philadelphia when I saw The D @ the Electric Factory. Holy Shite, great show probably the best I've ever been too. Also, purchased "Joe vs. the fucking volcano with my fiance' hell yeah Tom Hanks & a Volcano!! BRILLIANT!!!! So yeah now, I'm alittle tipsy, had a few beverages....jell-o shooters, yummy. So I think i'm going too........zzzzz....zzzz....zzz...zz..z
so yeah that post was supposed to go into my journal as an entry, not a fucking comment. sorry bout that. don't be confused, don't leave your computer and hunt me down. We're cool!!
so yeah that post was supposed to go into my journal as an entry, not a fucking comment. sorry bout that. don't be confused, don't leave your computer and hunt me down. We're cool!!

heh heh drunk people are funny.