I'm addicted to energy drinks...
ahhhhh! help me!
i hate lawyers
i hate court rooms
i hate judges
i hate federal buildings
yet i have to serve jury duty tomorrow lol..
i doubt I'll get picked though. I'll tell them i go to school/work full time and that will get me out with no problem.
i'll wear my fuck Bush hoodie just in case. That shit is such a waste of time.
ahhhhh! help me!
i hate lawyers
i hate court rooms
i hate judges
i hate federal buildings
yet i have to serve jury duty tomorrow lol..
i doubt I'll get picked though. I'll tell them i go to school/work full time and that will get me out with no problem.
i'll wear my fuck Bush hoodie just in case. That shit is such a waste of time.
i really don't even pay attention to "the war" haven't since about 5 minutes after i saw the news on sept 11. beucase it is just the states trying to dominate the world.
thank you for saying i am pretty
and that kid HAS to be that small. it shall remain a mystery until my sister moves back, which isn't for another year yet! but she's sure he isn't, 'cause she was sitting right there... i don't know. it's so creepy!