today is 9/11.
it's been 5 years since our own government committed the worst possible crime imaginable. A staged attack on it's own people which was used to spark and unjust war to fulfill their NEO-CON agenda. It's sad to know so many innocent lives were taken before their time and that our soldiers are being used as pawns.
Yeah go ahead and call me a conspiracy theorist. What i don't understand is how a theory can be considered a conspiracy when it's backed by simple logic, science and eyewitness testimonies. There are plenty of scholars and politicians that agree with this so called "theory."
The government's story is just not plausible and there are far to many holes in it. Whether you choose to believe it or not is up to you and that's what makes this such a great country.
I'm not crazy. I just know the truth and have plenty of creditable links, sources , and videos to back it up. Actually just use your favorite search engine and you will find all the information you need.
Our government is corrupt and this nation is heading in the wrong direction.
"Be the change you wish to see in the world"....

it's been 5 years since our own government committed the worst possible crime imaginable. A staged attack on it's own people which was used to spark and unjust war to fulfill their NEO-CON agenda. It's sad to know so many innocent lives were taken before their time and that our soldiers are being used as pawns.
Yeah go ahead and call me a conspiracy theorist. What i don't understand is how a theory can be considered a conspiracy when it's backed by simple logic, science and eyewitness testimonies. There are plenty of scholars and politicians that agree with this so called "theory."
The government's story is just not plausible and there are far to many holes in it. Whether you choose to believe it or not is up to you and that's what makes this such a great country.
I'm not crazy. I just know the truth and have plenty of creditable links, sources , and videos to back it up. Actually just use your favorite search engine and you will find all the information you need.
Our government is corrupt and this nation is heading in the wrong direction.
"Be the change you wish to see in the world"....

this is the first time i've actually heard about it being a conspiracy. i want to learn more. care to share your credible links and sources?