entry #1 about open mindedness
this is probably the darkest side of me and my opinions so i will get this out of the way first
this has to do with suicide and death.
first of i am writing this out of personal experience not over figuring and thinking about it. through personal experience.
first i dont get sad when people die. there was never really any mourning or sadness. simply that they have moved from here to somewhere else.
where to i dont know. nor do i care. cause i will find that out when i die.
heres the thing that makes me sound super fucked up.
during the 19 years i have been on this earth my life has been riddled with death and suicide.
the way i see it. if you dont want to live i am not going to make you.
however i will do my damndest to make you see the bright side because im one of the best at looking on the bright side i have ever met.
but people who have decided to kill themselves during my life time that i was close to did it because they did not want to live anymore it does not bother me one bit that they did it
there are reasons for everything and some people just dont know how to take it so they do it.
the only time i felt sad from a suicide was a friend of mine that was literally showing no signs of suicidal behavior.
he owned his own successful clothing company in nashville.
one day i get a phone call. he had tied a rope around his neck and jumped off of his balcony.
all of my other friends and family members showed all the text book signs of suicide and after trying and trying to help
all you can really do is wait until they do it. if the help is not working.
and i am saying all of this because i had to give somebody mouth to mouth recently because they decided to be a fucking genius and take a bunch of pills
hes still alive and i see him at work everyday.
just know that i dont give a fuck how bad you want to die. if i catch you ill do everything i can do to save you
if not;
then ill see ya on the other side.
this is probably the darkest side of me and my opinions so i will get this out of the way first
this has to do with suicide and death.
first of i am writing this out of personal experience not over figuring and thinking about it. through personal experience.
first i dont get sad when people die. there was never really any mourning or sadness. simply that they have moved from here to somewhere else.
where to i dont know. nor do i care. cause i will find that out when i die.
heres the thing that makes me sound super fucked up.
during the 19 years i have been on this earth my life has been riddled with death and suicide.
the way i see it. if you dont want to live i am not going to make you.
however i will do my damndest to make you see the bright side because im one of the best at looking on the bright side i have ever met.
but people who have decided to kill themselves during my life time that i was close to did it because they did not want to live anymore it does not bother me one bit that they did it
there are reasons for everything and some people just dont know how to take it so they do it.
the only time i felt sad from a suicide was a friend of mine that was literally showing no signs of suicidal behavior.
he owned his own successful clothing company in nashville.
one day i get a phone call. he had tied a rope around his neck and jumped off of his balcony.
all of my other friends and family members showed all the text book signs of suicide and after trying and trying to help
all you can really do is wait until they do it. if the help is not working.
and i am saying all of this because i had to give somebody mouth to mouth recently because they decided to be a fucking genius and take a bunch of pills
hes still alive and i see him at work everyday.
just know that i dont give a fuck how bad you want to die. if i catch you ill do everything i can do to save you
if not;
then ill see ya on the other side.