"you are not a beautiful and unique snowflake...." to quote Brad Pitt in Fight Club. A very cool movie that has so many underlying themes and slaps at society you have to watch it a few times to appreciate it.
I bring this up only because of someone I know who thinks he's God's gift to the world has been grating on my nerves. I want to tell him this quote along with a few others that would shut down his little ego party pretty quick. Turning him into a bowl of disolved self esteem and bleeding pride would not be productive though and only cause more hurt feelings. So I have to be the bigger person, put the ego crap aside and just be clear that he may think he's hot shit, but needs to maintain deadlines and follow up his words with actions or he hurts a lot of people who rely on his abilities (he has talent, but needs to stay medicated to stay focused). Ugh - being politically correct and diplomatic is so frustrating
Sometimes I wish I could tell people what I really think - hell some days I want to throw myself down on the floor kicking and screaming and have a good temper tantrum!
Ok - I feel much better, thanks for letting me vent.
I bring this up only because of someone I know who thinks he's God's gift to the world has been grating on my nerves. I want to tell him this quote along with a few others that would shut down his little ego party pretty quick. Turning him into a bowl of disolved self esteem and bleeding pride would not be productive though and only cause more hurt feelings. So I have to be the bigger person, put the ego crap aside and just be clear that he may think he's hot shit, but needs to maintain deadlines and follow up his words with actions or he hurts a lot of people who rely on his abilities (he has talent, but needs to stay medicated to stay focused). Ugh - being politically correct and diplomatic is so frustrating

Ok - I feel much better, thanks for letting me vent.
