Mind, body, spirit - a balancing act of three important elements that can lead to enlightenment or just making one whole (yes, i'm going to wax philosophically today so deal with it
This has become more apparent in recent days as I started working out again after about laying off it for a year. I find daily excercise of about 30 - 40 minutes (and not just the horrizontal kind) is all that's needed. What happens is a slow transformation of yourself, not just physically but emotionally, and mentally - like it preps your mind to begin the arduous task of being able to handle complex issues logically and clearly without freaking out.
The mind - like a muscle - needs to be excercised as well with complex thought whether mathamatics, philosophy, science, or just plan running a business. This enables one not to just get through the difficult maze of life, but to bring you to a greater awareness of life around you, almost to a higher level of consiousness.
Which leads to the spirit. It's tricky to define what this is as each religion addresses it differently. For the sake of argument well just call it that which puts you in touch with life as a whole. This could be going for a walk in a park and sitting quietly with your own thoughts, or hiking in the mountains, playing with a pet, or nurturing an infant - anything that puts you in touch with life in a simple way without the distractions we usually create. Once you begin a journey of inner -reflection you are excercising the spirit. For others this task might be acheived with church and the connection of faith provide it's real and not a hypocratic act of "duty". Regardless, your interaction with others becomes more fulfilling.
What's all this do for me, you ask? With these three in balance we grow as individuals; we open ourselves to a greater understanding of life around us and begin to see through the facades of others and see truth in what life is. It's hard to explain without going completely Taoist and saying, you become aware of what IT is, and just be. When that happens you are capable of achieving more with your life without trying. Instead of being a leaf blowing chaotically in the wind, you seem to flow WITH the wind with purpose. While to others it may seem chaotic, in reality you are the calm in the storm.
To be truly balanced with mind, body, and spirirt you achieve greater wealth and happiness than any money can buy.

This has become more apparent in recent days as I started working out again after about laying off it for a year. I find daily excercise of about 30 - 40 minutes (and not just the horrizontal kind) is all that's needed. What happens is a slow transformation of yourself, not just physically but emotionally, and mentally - like it preps your mind to begin the arduous task of being able to handle complex issues logically and clearly without freaking out.
The mind - like a muscle - needs to be excercised as well with complex thought whether mathamatics, philosophy, science, or just plan running a business. This enables one not to just get through the difficult maze of life, but to bring you to a greater awareness of life around you, almost to a higher level of consiousness.
Which leads to the spirit. It's tricky to define what this is as each religion addresses it differently. For the sake of argument well just call it that which puts you in touch with life as a whole. This could be going for a walk in a park and sitting quietly with your own thoughts, or hiking in the mountains, playing with a pet, or nurturing an infant - anything that puts you in touch with life in a simple way without the distractions we usually create. Once you begin a journey of inner -reflection you are excercising the spirit. For others this task might be acheived with church and the connection of faith provide it's real and not a hypocratic act of "duty". Regardless, your interaction with others becomes more fulfilling.
What's all this do for me, you ask? With these three in balance we grow as individuals; we open ourselves to a greater understanding of life around us and begin to see through the facades of others and see truth in what life is. It's hard to explain without going completely Taoist and saying, you become aware of what IT is, and just be. When that happens you are capable of achieving more with your life without trying. Instead of being a leaf blowing chaotically in the wind, you seem to flow WITH the wind with purpose. While to others it may seem chaotic, in reality you are the calm in the storm.
To be truly balanced with mind, body, and spirirt you achieve greater wealth and happiness than any money can buy.

Wow, will you be my trainer