wow............when i got home on wensday my ex was in the driveway(with her two kids)
they were here for about 45 minutes.
I'm not sure why she keeps stopping by,sometimes drunk trying to kiss on me.she's married for Christ I've told her a million times...I'm interested in her anymore!!
she's drunk all the time,fuckin poppin pills nonstop.
oh did i mention that she is... Read More
go to update.
then click [image] near all the smiley faces.
then put in the url of the photo.
so you need to make sure you upload it on some photo hosting site like or
then volia!
when you hit image....go to your picture page, then right click. hit "properties" and it will give you the url. copy it. then paste it into the image box
thankyou SO much for the comment on my sonic and tails set! I'm sorry that it has taken me over a month to get back to you! I didn't have much free time as I was about to finish university. But reading through all my comments is just great
Thanks. I'm glad you like her. She's an American Bulldog. Everyone mistakes her for a pit, though, which I don't mind. She's got the same type of temperment as a pit. Her name is "Roxie". She's got alot more muscle on her now than in that pic. She's 7 months old. She's the "sporty" type of A.B. I like your pit. The pups are cute, too.
thanks for adding me as a friend, and thanks for the compliment on my Roxie. She was the runt of the litter, and people were telling me not to get her because of it. But I didn't care, and now I have the best dog (friend) I've ever had. Yeah, I think it's bullshit to ban dogs, etc. I get real angry when I hear how many pits are killed each year just because of what breed they are. It goes to show how ignorant people are. So how many pits do you have, how old are they, and what are their names?
Someone once tried to tell Chuck Norris that roundhouse kicks aren't the best way to kick someone. This has been recorded by historians as the worst mistake anyone has ever made.
Chuck Norris is not hung like a horse... horses are hung like Chuck Norris.