I go through this every summer, well, vacation for that matter. I start off really ambitious and work like a mad man thinking I'm going to get a lot done and then by July I'm usually burned out. One week in and I'm still doing well. I'm prepping classes for next year (I have to teach 3 new courses) and I've set a goal of a chapter a day. I'm also reading an organic chemistry text and studying for my chemistry certification test. Along with lifting weights, running and learing new songs for the band you would think I'm busy. It's surprising how much free time I still have and that worries me. It becomes easier to just sit around. So I started "fixing" my bike yesterday (you know, working on it when it doesn't need it). I'm sure I'll "fix" some other things too. I'm not complaining about having a lot of vacation time as others would call me an idiot, I'm just someone that needs to be doing something constructive or I go insane.
wow! sounds like you are really busy. that's good..... getting stuff done is always a binus! but, don't forget to take time out for the roses.... heheh.
Thanks for the advice. Does that mean you are sending me roses?