I love this pic...
My mom and aunt decided to stay home and watch movies yesterday. They picked up The Passion of Christ and Anger Management. They came home with 5 bags of junk food. They kept bugging me to go pick up some pizza for them, lol. I got to watch the first prolly 15 minutes of Passion. My mom and aunt have never read the bible to they were completely lost. My aunt wanted to call in for me so that I could stay and narrate for her. Shes so silly, lol.
Work was crazy. On my first day of work, I vowed that I was NOT going to get into the Jubilee drama. So much for that, lol. Tom, who used to work at Jubilee got sent to jail for a few months (he robbed a house of about a thousand dollars worth of stuff with my ex-boyfriend). So this new girl at the Jube, Haley, her boyfriend was in jail with Tom. I guess Haley being the stupid bitch that she is was writing to her boyfriend and telling him to tell Tom that she hates him and haha to him to she has his job. Supposedly, Tom attacked Haley in the parking lot the other day, but we all know that girls ALWAYS over react. So, Tom comes in and Haley starts having a bitch fit. So of course, I get to play peacemaker. I told her that she has nothing to fear from Tom, which is the honest to God truth and I told Tom to stay away from her before he gets into any more trouble. I had things under control until Tom had to open his big mouth. Sams right you know, you have nothing to fear from me. I just want to kill your boyfriend.
If theres one thing I hate, its a hysterical female. Thank God Tom left. I thought she was gonna try to scratch his eyes out. I went back to the Deli and mopped the floors with Haley crying and screaming at me to do something. I listened and I dont care. I asked Joel to try to take care of it through some of his friends.
I drove home laughing to the point of tears. I hate this town. I really dont know why I try to help, but I just cant help it.
I made some macaroni and cheese with broccoli and played some Counter-Strike. I talked to Dan and Winn a bit.
I went to bed fairly early last night. I dont know why I was so tired.
When I woke up, there was a message in my box. It was fucking Tina. I specifically asked for Sundays OFF and what does she do? She schedules me the last three weekends. I call her back and she says that she really needs me to work today. I dont think she understands that I have homework to do and its really the only day that I get to see my mom. Well, can you work 4-8 tonight? FINE! *slams phone down* One girl had her baby. I had to fill in for her. WHY WERE WE SCHEDULING HER WHEN WE KNEW SHE WAS DUE LAST WEEK?! One girl has been in and out of the hospital. I have to fill in for her this week. WHY ARE WE SCHEDULING HER WHEN SHES FUCKING SICK?! *ragged breath* I hate Jubilee and now some bitch can only work on Saturdays so my favorite day to work goes to hell. I really need to find a new job. Im too lazy tho, LOL.
I watched The Passion of Christ this morning and I must say that it wasnt what I expected at all. I teary eyed though the whole thing. The tear drop when Christ died was a little too much, Mel.
I regret teaching Georige how to speak. He will NOT shut up. If he thinks youre talking to him, hell go on for at least 15 minutes crying the way he does.
I better work on some homework before work or Ill never get it done.

My mom and aunt decided to stay home and watch movies yesterday. They picked up The Passion of Christ and Anger Management. They came home with 5 bags of junk food. They kept bugging me to go pick up some pizza for them, lol. I got to watch the first prolly 15 minutes of Passion. My mom and aunt have never read the bible to they were completely lost. My aunt wanted to call in for me so that I could stay and narrate for her. Shes so silly, lol.
Work was crazy. On my first day of work, I vowed that I was NOT going to get into the Jubilee drama. So much for that, lol. Tom, who used to work at Jubilee got sent to jail for a few months (he robbed a house of about a thousand dollars worth of stuff with my ex-boyfriend). So this new girl at the Jube, Haley, her boyfriend was in jail with Tom. I guess Haley being the stupid bitch that she is was writing to her boyfriend and telling him to tell Tom that she hates him and haha to him to she has his job. Supposedly, Tom attacked Haley in the parking lot the other day, but we all know that girls ALWAYS over react. So, Tom comes in and Haley starts having a bitch fit. So of course, I get to play peacemaker. I told her that she has nothing to fear from Tom, which is the honest to God truth and I told Tom to stay away from her before he gets into any more trouble. I had things under control until Tom had to open his big mouth. Sams right you know, you have nothing to fear from me. I just want to kill your boyfriend.
If theres one thing I hate, its a hysterical female. Thank God Tom left. I thought she was gonna try to scratch his eyes out. I went back to the Deli and mopped the floors with Haley crying and screaming at me to do something. I listened and I dont care. I asked Joel to try to take care of it through some of his friends.
I drove home laughing to the point of tears. I hate this town. I really dont know why I try to help, but I just cant help it.
I made some macaroni and cheese with broccoli and played some Counter-Strike. I talked to Dan and Winn a bit.
I went to bed fairly early last night. I dont know why I was so tired.
When I woke up, there was a message in my box. It was fucking Tina. I specifically asked for Sundays OFF and what does she do? She schedules me the last three weekends. I call her back and she says that she really needs me to work today. I dont think she understands that I have homework to do and its really the only day that I get to see my mom. Well, can you work 4-8 tonight? FINE! *slams phone down* One girl had her baby. I had to fill in for her. WHY WERE WE SCHEDULING HER WHEN WE KNEW SHE WAS DUE LAST WEEK?! One girl has been in and out of the hospital. I have to fill in for her this week. WHY ARE WE SCHEDULING HER WHEN SHES FUCKING SICK?! *ragged breath* I hate Jubilee and now some bitch can only work on Saturdays so my favorite day to work goes to hell. I really need to find a new job. Im too lazy tho, LOL.
I watched The Passion of Christ this morning and I must say that it wasnt what I expected at all. I teary eyed though the whole thing. The tear drop when Christ died was a little too much, Mel.

I regret teaching Georige how to speak. He will NOT shut up. If he thinks youre talking to him, hell go on for at least 15 minutes crying the way he does.
I better work on some homework before work or Ill never get it done.
yes it seems as though management never knows what there doing except for me of course-haha.
What a cute kitty here is mine his name is Kaito
Oh hey that photo just fixed itself.. aww how cute.
anyway git back ta work theres alot a study'n to be done
[Edited on Oct 03, 2004 12:59PM]