Home sweet fucking home
I woke up at 4am. Jason was on my couch sleeping. Took a shower and got all my stuff downstairs. Woke Jason up and said good-bye to mom. Jason was stoned. He had the munchies so we stopped at Hess in Brockport to get doughnuts and gas. Jason wouldnt get out of the car because he was afraid he might get mugged *sigh* Thats my boy. I had to wait 15 minutes to get on the train. I ended up sitting next to a smelly old lady. I had my blanket over my mouth for four freaking hours. Switched trains in Albany and got to sit all by myself for the ride through Massachusetts. It is so amazingly beautiful. I slept for the most part and when I woke up we were about an hour from Framingham. I couldnt sit still. I listened to Garth Brooks, Robotech, and Something Corporate to pass the time. I felt nervous for some reason but I was so excited. The train took WAY TOO LONG to freaking slow down. When I got off I gave Greg a big hug. Lloyd came with him so we walked back to Gregs house. They asked if I wanted help carrying my stuff. I said no because I had finally gotten the rhythm down so I wouldnt fall over. When we got there I saw a penny on the floor near the door. *rubs penny between fingers* We messed around a bit until Mom came home and Jeshia (JAY-sha) came over. Jeshia is Lloyds girlfriend. Theyre so cute. We watched Redemption which I had taped the night before and watched with Eric and Jamie-Lynn. Then FIVE MINUTES! I dragged him into his room and well *wink* An hour later we came out and watched some Family Guy and joked around with each other. His mom ended up leaving us alone and spent the night at her boyfriend Ricks house and we spent the night making up for two months worth of sleeping alone. *sigh* Very good. VERY good.
We woke our naked selves up at 7am to throw clothes on and let him mom in so she could get ready for work. We just layed around for most of the day and made up some more of those two months. We watched a few movies too. Then we crawled into bed and cuddled and talked. Eventually falling asleep all cuddled together.
Mom took the day off of work so we went over to Retts house after laying around for most of the morning. On our way there, I saw more of the awesome brick work and slate roofs. When we got there he was sitting at the computer with his brother. That was extremely heart warming. After seeing Retts weapons closet, watching Greg catch Goku on fire, and of course Greg putting a Listerine strip thinger on his tit and spazing out we went back home so I could pick up my purse and drop off my rose. Rett made me drive into Natick to Fun and Games so we could pass some time. Kill the duckies bitch. You loved that damn game you prick. It was entertaining for all of us I think. We ended up with 78 tickets and we made the old guy count out 78 Army men. He did it fairly quick so I was a bit disappointed. Greg wanted Pizza so we went over to Unos where he ended up getting a bowl of New England clam chowder while Rett and I got salads. A Sierra Mist, a glass of water, and a glass of ice. Gui (G-ee) called Rett and met up with us at Unos. He drove us back to the car and as we were pulling out of the parking lot Greg was cracking up. We got a Brownie Sundae which Greg polished off and put it behind the tire. Fucker, lol. Gui stopped and stuck his head out the window and shook his head at Greg. Im not even gonna try to explain driving back to Retts. I just have one thing to say. FUCK YOU GUI! And to think that I hated driving before *sigh* When we went back to Retts we watched Kill Bill. Awesome movie. That was really awesome even though water beds make me motion sick LOL. Gui gave us a ride home after that and you can imagine. Home alone again.
We went to Gregs Grandparents and I met his Pa. His mom introduced me as her daughter-in-law to one of her friends, lol. I saw some people running in the Boston Marathon. We went home and I watched him play Conkers Bad Fur Day. That was awesome.
I'll finish it when I get home...
Took a shower and watched Robotech. Went down to CVS for some batteries, Cheese-Nips, and a lemonade for the train. Sex on the couch. Cried like a little bitch. Cried some more. And oh more. I finished getting my crap together while he played Counter Strike. We left the house at noon and I picked up my penny that was still on the floor. Sad walk to the train station. We had a few minutes before the train came. *wipes away tears* Then the train came. I was the only one getting on. He didnt cry. I made up for it. When I got on the train I saw him leaning against the fence. I just cried more and started hyperventilating. Thats when the conductor came over and sat with me to make sure I was ok. I watched Baby Jesus and looked at the pics we took on my digital camera while listening to Konstantine by Something Corporate and cried some more. Then I fell asleep for about two hours. When I woke up I just chilled and took some pics. We got off at Albany around 4:30 and had to wait for about 15 minutes before the other train came in. While we were getting off the train, we had to either go up an elevator and an escalator. The people on the escalator had too many bags and they all fell on each other. Most of them were old people so some of them got hurt pretty badly to the point where the station brought out wheel chairs. It was so exciting. I got back onto the train heading towards Rochester around 5 and got to sit all by myself right up front. Then Greg and I texted eachother for a while until I called him and we talked for about half an hour. After finishing off Frankenstein hated it I went in search of food. I was in the cafeteria when this big black guy goes Hey baby girl can I get you anything? Im not sure yet *cuts me off* how about my number? That freaked me out. I despise pet names. I got a Santa Fe salad which sucked and a warm Sierra Mist, so I just ate the ice. Took another nice long nap. Got back into Rochester a few minutes early, so I had to wait for my mom to come get me. Kelly was so glad to see me, lol. Aunt Debbie was so tired. Mom stopped at Taco Bell and Wegmans and we went home and I talked to my Greggie. I hate sleeping alone. I miss him.
Sorry it took me so long to get all that. I'm beginning to forget what happened when... *sigh*

I woke up at 4am. Jason was on my couch sleeping. Took a shower and got all my stuff downstairs. Woke Jason up and said good-bye to mom. Jason was stoned. He had the munchies so we stopped at Hess in Brockport to get doughnuts and gas. Jason wouldnt get out of the car because he was afraid he might get mugged *sigh* Thats my boy. I had to wait 15 minutes to get on the train. I ended up sitting next to a smelly old lady. I had my blanket over my mouth for four freaking hours. Switched trains in Albany and got to sit all by myself for the ride through Massachusetts. It is so amazingly beautiful. I slept for the most part and when I woke up we were about an hour from Framingham. I couldnt sit still. I listened to Garth Brooks, Robotech, and Something Corporate to pass the time. I felt nervous for some reason but I was so excited. The train took WAY TOO LONG to freaking slow down. When I got off I gave Greg a big hug. Lloyd came with him so we walked back to Gregs house. They asked if I wanted help carrying my stuff. I said no because I had finally gotten the rhythm down so I wouldnt fall over. When we got there I saw a penny on the floor near the door. *rubs penny between fingers* We messed around a bit until Mom came home and Jeshia (JAY-sha) came over. Jeshia is Lloyds girlfriend. Theyre so cute. We watched Redemption which I had taped the night before and watched with Eric and Jamie-Lynn. Then FIVE MINUTES! I dragged him into his room and well *wink* An hour later we came out and watched some Family Guy and joked around with each other. His mom ended up leaving us alone and spent the night at her boyfriend Ricks house and we spent the night making up for two months worth of sleeping alone. *sigh* Very good. VERY good.
We woke our naked selves up at 7am to throw clothes on and let him mom in so she could get ready for work. We just layed around for most of the day and made up some more of those two months. We watched a few movies too. Then we crawled into bed and cuddled and talked. Eventually falling asleep all cuddled together.
Mom took the day off of work so we went over to Retts house after laying around for most of the morning. On our way there, I saw more of the awesome brick work and slate roofs. When we got there he was sitting at the computer with his brother. That was extremely heart warming. After seeing Retts weapons closet, watching Greg catch Goku on fire, and of course Greg putting a Listerine strip thinger on his tit and spazing out we went back home so I could pick up my purse and drop off my rose. Rett made me drive into Natick to Fun and Games so we could pass some time. Kill the duckies bitch. You loved that damn game you prick. It was entertaining for all of us I think. We ended up with 78 tickets and we made the old guy count out 78 Army men. He did it fairly quick so I was a bit disappointed. Greg wanted Pizza so we went over to Unos where he ended up getting a bowl of New England clam chowder while Rett and I got salads. A Sierra Mist, a glass of water, and a glass of ice. Gui (G-ee) called Rett and met up with us at Unos. He drove us back to the car and as we were pulling out of the parking lot Greg was cracking up. We got a Brownie Sundae which Greg polished off and put it behind the tire. Fucker, lol. Gui stopped and stuck his head out the window and shook his head at Greg. Im not even gonna try to explain driving back to Retts. I just have one thing to say. FUCK YOU GUI! And to think that I hated driving before *sigh* When we went back to Retts we watched Kill Bill. Awesome movie. That was really awesome even though water beds make me motion sick LOL. Gui gave us a ride home after that and you can imagine. Home alone again.
We went to Gregs Grandparents and I met his Pa. His mom introduced me as her daughter-in-law to one of her friends, lol. I saw some people running in the Boston Marathon. We went home and I watched him play Conkers Bad Fur Day. That was awesome.
I'll finish it when I get home...

Took a shower and watched Robotech. Went down to CVS for some batteries, Cheese-Nips, and a lemonade for the train. Sex on the couch. Cried like a little bitch. Cried some more. And oh more. I finished getting my crap together while he played Counter Strike. We left the house at noon and I picked up my penny that was still on the floor. Sad walk to the train station. We had a few minutes before the train came. *wipes away tears* Then the train came. I was the only one getting on. He didnt cry. I made up for it. When I got on the train I saw him leaning against the fence. I just cried more and started hyperventilating. Thats when the conductor came over and sat with me to make sure I was ok. I watched Baby Jesus and looked at the pics we took on my digital camera while listening to Konstantine by Something Corporate and cried some more. Then I fell asleep for about two hours. When I woke up I just chilled and took some pics. We got off at Albany around 4:30 and had to wait for about 15 minutes before the other train came in. While we were getting off the train, we had to either go up an elevator and an escalator. The people on the escalator had too many bags and they all fell on each other. Most of them were old people so some of them got hurt pretty badly to the point where the station brought out wheel chairs. It was so exciting. I got back onto the train heading towards Rochester around 5 and got to sit all by myself right up front. Then Greg and I texted eachother for a while until I called him and we talked for about half an hour. After finishing off Frankenstein hated it I went in search of food. I was in the cafeteria when this big black guy goes Hey baby girl can I get you anything? Im not sure yet *cuts me off* how about my number? That freaked me out. I despise pet names. I got a Santa Fe salad which sucked and a warm Sierra Mist, so I just ate the ice. Took another nice long nap. Got back into Rochester a few minutes early, so I had to wait for my mom to come get me. Kelly was so glad to see me, lol. Aunt Debbie was so tired. Mom stopped at Taco Bell and Wegmans and we went home and I talked to my Greggie. I hate sleeping alone. I miss him.
Sorry it took me so long to get all that. I'm beginning to forget what happened when... *sigh*
you have very cute pics btw!