it is now september. wow. exciting. umm, i guess we are all pretty interested in the presidential speeches. Now, it doesn't really matter and we are not telling you in any fashion known to man who to vote for (buck fush), but we all must go out and vote. i guess it is the only real "power" we as citizens hold. I mean, they have made it impossible to present any type of opposing viewpoint on national television without being very rich and knowing the right people. They have restricted protests to being permitted. WTF is that. since when did we need to consent to voicing the way we feel without being arrested. What happened to the days of the boston tea party where we said "Fuck You and your taxes assholes!!" Thats exactly what they said, verbatum
. Anyways, vote and listen to this love machine and have as many happy moments and times before our lives and minds are not ours any longer. Im not telling you how to live your life, but let your passion shine before it's to late.
I just reread this and i am not going to change it, but i do see why people say i am scattered and thin. goodbye and learn the love. i need to as well....

I just reread this and i am not going to change it, but i do see why people say i am scattered and thin. goodbye and learn the love. i need to as well....