Today in Glendale, while waiting for a shipment truck to arrive, I received a gift. A girl walked down the sidewalk past my parked car, with two large dogs she was taking for a walk. Cute, and scantily dressed for the 80+ degree weather. Just then a businessman in a very nice suit approached the sidewalk, hurrying from the opposite side of the street. His eyes were locked on the seat of the girl's well-rounded capri pants, and not the high curb in front of him. Still in a jog from running across the busy street, he stumbled over the unseen curb, and a pratfall worthy of John Ritter followed. It took the man about a dozen spastic, flailing, briefcase throwing steps to finally fall down in a flowerbed in front of a large glass diner window. The guys eating at the table next to the glass stood up and applauded. I lauged so hard I feared I might rupture some important organ.
People-watching is one of the greatest joys in life!
People-watching is one of the greatest joys in life!
People watching is one of my guilty pleasure. At Disneyland last week, I saw this girl walking my direction, and all cool style she put on her sunglasses and one of the lens popped out. I dunno if that sounds funny but it was HILARIOUS to see it.