I have been so horrible about updating this thing which completely throws off any relevance or interest I may have generated in the previous years. Then again I haven't really been adding much in the way of photos or personal info either.
First things first, if you haven't checked out this video by Liquid Science then you need to not only watch it but check out the rest of his site as well. Supper talented artist and photographer (and apparent antisocial hermit): http://www.liquidscience.net/video_sash_and_radeo.html
So where have I been you ask? Well even if you didn't ask I am telling you anyway, I mean really at the end of the day don't we all blog to feed our insatiable narcism? I just moved back to the Ft Lauderdale area about a week ago after a few other plans, including a move to California, were once again thwarted. Seems the powers that be (or be not) would like me to stay in Florida for the time being. So here I am looking for more revenue! Launching a website very soon thanks to a wonderful bit of magic known as www.squarespace.com which allows me to build an entire website (customized to my hearts content) without messing with much code or spending weeks on it. If you know anything about code or have ever thought to yourself, "I wish I could just build a cool website on the cheap without working on it like it's my full time job" then this may be for you as well. No I am not an affiliate, I just like things that help me better allocate my time.
On a personal note, I have been doing much soul searching and am attempting to weed out the qualities I have developed over the years that simply do not work for me. I wont list them since you will only use them against me later, though in truth they will probably be gone before you get a chance to. I reinvent myself every so often anyway to keep things fresh but this time it's out of necessity. I really dug a fricken hole for myself this time, more of a meteor impact zone if you will. This little meltdown cost me more than I am willing to admit on the record. I mean to be fair though I did loose just about everything a person can loose right before Christmas. When it rains it pours they say but nobody said anything about a monsoon! However the damages could have been mitigated had I acted differently but alas I was unable or unwilling to do so.
So this is act two: The Cleanup on isle Randy. No seriously I am good. I feel good when I am on this cost to be quite frank. I have only been here a week and already my energy levels are starting to soar again. Feeling far more productive being more productive. Also quit smoking last week and will start the gym activities next Monday. The goal is to be in the best shape of my life in every way imaginable and naturally I can pull it off.
So how are you doing?
Glad you like my picture.