I was absolutely blown away when I opened up my SG page and saw Feyne there staring at me with those eyes from behind the frames of her sexy librarian glasses. Seriously this girls glow sent my brain into a downward spiral to which I could only recover from by smacking myself in the hand with a hammer. Great set, also the ferret licking it's lips just killed me.
So I am still in the process of selling damn near everything I own in preparation for this move, because shipping things is just so much more of a hassle. I mean who needs all this stuff anyway? I have a girl (who sounds absolutely sexified on the phone) picking up my TV and DVD player today. Someone interested in the camera and once I burn all this music off the G5 will go next.
Still loving my MacBook Pro it is quite possibly the coolest thing since twitter to which I am firmly addicted to now.
Safari Beta 4 test has revealed one annoyance, if I have the keep me logged in option selected on GMail it will log me out of one account and ask me to log back in to the first one I signed in as. Otherwise this browser rocks.
Oh and again for those who knew me or are wondering why the hell I am talking to you, I used to go by Plan B or Sexual Chocolate or Randy Watson
and indeed, a thinker i am, and it would see you are as well.
thanks for the comment