My girlfriend, Erin Malany, Is the most amazing girl in the entire world. She has given me the most incredible morning and I wish I woke up to her every day. I truly am so lucky to have found such happiness. Sorry I'm all mushy today but I'm filled with love and I couldn't be happier. Leave one.

awww mushy is ok! i get mushy sometimes. sorry ive been so on the blink lately! stupid work. is erin visiting you or did she make your morning in some other special way? oh i hope you two are doing well! it definitly sounds like you are.
So far it has been a pretty eventful weekend of talking on SG, talking to my girlfriend on the phone, watching episodes of South Park and Sealab 2021 on the comp, sleeping and exercising. The time went by really fast though. To all the new people I've been talking to, thank you for making my life a little more interesting. To My 2 and only...
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i don't reckon much to them live i'm afraid, dillenger kick thier ass back to the states and back live.
i think walls of jericho played there about 2 weeks ago, but they do get soem good underground house gigs and small shwos there.

nice satrship in the background their, i'm afraid i'm not geeky enough to know which one, but i'd have a guess at e?
daughters =awesome times 20, saw them at hellfest last year, they are fucking unbelievable. hoping they come over here soon.

i've only got msn i'm afraid i avoid aol bollox.

yeah walls back together played a friends house in leeds, new album not as good but still heavy, just a bit simple musically for me.
I've been doing crunches like a motherfucker, you better believe my abs are gonna be the shit by the time I see Erin again. Hey if any random people read this, leave a comment, b/c I want people to talk to me damn it. To those loyal few out there much love. Still in the UK being bored. Been listening to a lot of old...
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life is boring in italy too.
i'm in south italy.I know uk it's fuckin expansive but itly it's veeeeeeery cheap
I'm sad to say that SG has been very lame lately by not letting me log on for some unknown reason. But I'm back now so it's all good. Had the most wonderful week with my girlfriend, and am missing her dearly now. Other than that things are real boring in the UK, so I have been getting very fucked up. Last night being the...
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I'm so glad you had a great time with erin! tell me more about it, what did you do? besides kiss and have lots of sex wink

you know, i was updating everyday, then you came back and all of a sudden i had to start working so now it seems like i'm hardly here. but really, i'm here alot! i promise! what have you been up to now that youre back at home? any big plans?
hope youre doing well!
What a fucking hectic couple of weeks. I feel like its been ages since I could just chill in front of the computer. No matter though, b/c I'm going back to London tomorrow and on Monday its back the the good ol' U S of A. Hope everyone is doing well. Wish me luck with the woman.
should i just keep posting in your journal till you come back so you have lots of comments and it makes you smile?
happy monday!
Where are you?frown

I hope you have had a safe move back home and that you're busy and doing ok.

Love ya,
To whom it may concern:

Sorry I've been MIA the past few days. I don't hate you, I have just been mad busy w/ work, and planning my trip back to the states. I am going to London for the next 3-4 days to mave my uncle's parent's shit out of one of their houses that they sold so I will not be by a...
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i hope you have a wonderful trip! tell us all about it smile
still thinking about you! hoping you havent dissapeared smile

i hope youre having fun with your girlfriend!
So Cambridge was a blast. Got really drunk missed my train, slept in some dudes house then stole a bike in the morning, rode to the train station, which sounds much easier than it was. Got back and babysat for fucking 11 hours, but the kids were sweet. Then got yelled at a lot by Erin, but just because she cares. I miss her and...
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Trains, drunkenness. Reminds me of my teenage years. Glad you're having fun.
When you put the Erin thing like that, I sympathize with her. It sucks to try to keep a guy in line, and I have two. puke
Lake Tahoe is alot closer to NM then Penn! You're definitely in luck. And a gym teacher, Erin sounds like a really nice girl.
It sounds like youre doing well, thats very good. 11 hours of babysitting, that can be hard! (stealing bikes = bad). I'm glad you can go into the city for some excitement, get away from the haunted house wink

Ezra is a computer science major, and wonderfully dorky! I've never been in love before, so i'm on cloud nine. I tend to be a little crazy at times and he's so understanding, absurdly understanding. I love every bit of him, from his one pair of jeans to the way he has to tuck the sheets in on the edges of the bed. He firmly believes i'm the best thing that ever happened to him which blows my mind.

Looks like you and me are pretty lucky huh? smile
I swear there is something fucked up about the house I'm in. I know its haunted, but every single night since I got here I have had the most fucked up dreams, and I never used to remember my dreams. Hopefully going to Cambridge to get some comics, have some beers, and take some pictures.
I just don't think Americans are used to being in really old buildings. When I was living in Switzerland, I always felt like I was getting a death vibe in those old castles and stuff. Or I could just be a total pussy, and you could just be eating weird food.
Have a beer for me. I'm sure you will. wink
Thank you for sharing that with me. I have lots of friends in NM even some in Alberquerquekaljdfsdj or however you spell that wink
Its so hard being away from the one you love. Sometimes i get my feelings hurt by ezra for no good reason. It would never happen if we were face to face. But at those times i start to doubt, if we should be together, if he's the one i should be with. But honestly, those are more personal issues. Maybe there is nothing you can do. Even though that leads to a terrible helpless feeling. Maybe she needs to address those issues, be away from you before she realizes how much she needs you?
Just something to think about. Are you going to go visit her when you move? or visa versa? Is she finishing school now? What does she want to do when she graduates?
So I slept until like 3 in the afternoon today, and my uincle is the coolest boss in the world. He did not care at all, he was just like well we had a long day yesterday. I then proceeded to waste the entire day. Erin is being kinda whack, and paranoid thinking i'm gonna change in the UK, or maybe we aren't gonna make...
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I posted to your prev. journal, but I guess it was after you posted this. I have preconceived notions about girls named Erin. Also Courtney. smile
Well, it's unscientific and untrue of course, but I often assume Erins are self-involved and Courtneys are bitchy and/or skanky. Terrys are laid-back and funny, Jameses are uptight and stinky. I'm sure you have at some point met someone who ruined a name for you permanently. Or, alternatively, made you immediately like other people with their name. But then I know a Heather I hate and a Heather I love, so you never know.
I added some new pics, not that anyone will see them, except maybe you librarian, my one and only friend. They are pretty cheesy but at least they are recent. I was trying to be sexy. I need someone to take pictures of me. I hate living alone. God I have to go to sleep, its officially 3:54 a.m. and counting, and I have to...
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I have a girlfriend who never bathes because she thinks it disturbs her pheromones. She actually stinks. I remember once we both spent a night up with food poisoning and she still didn't bathe--just went out to breakfast with some guy. She gets more action than anyone I know. And dogs love her. smile
Well, I haven't worn deodorant for many years, but that doesn't mean I stink. I bathe a lot, and I live really clean so I don't have anything to sweat out. I think caffeine makes people stink for sure. And deodorant. I think people's bodies fight it. Better to just be clean than to be dirty and try to cover it up with "spring rain" or "sporty ice" or whatever those stupid flavors are.