Another couple of days and I'll be in Paris. Thank god, I don't think I can take much more of this. I need something to take my mind off of the shit in my life (a.k.a pain of loss and rejection) On a lighter not I have been talking to some old friends that I haven't really spoken to in a while and its so nice to talk to people who honestly care about me and my life. Plus I'm out of booze so that comfort is not one that I can take, until I buy more tomorrow. I hope everyone is doing better than I have been. I just relaized how much of a whiny bitch I sound like pretty much 90% of the time in my journal. Ah fuck it, I'm about to win a million bucks anyway.
Listen to The Rise at least once, because I said so, and they are different.
Much love.
Listen to The Rise at least once, because I said so, and they are different.
Much love.
Hope you're having a blast in Paris. Inhale some second-hand smoke for me.