yay snow!!!! (enter sarcasm)
xmas and new years was good, nothing really crazy. life is going good, stil just getting life figured out and together. i started playing my guitar a lot, seeing some friends i haven't in over a year. i guess it's all good in my hood.
thanks for the addage!
getting my life back together, i feel like i'm becoming me again. i think i am finally learning how to be me, without the crutch of somebody else. i feel good, and can almost feel that motivation, that need to chase that dream again. call it luck, call it fate, call it what you will, but i don't think i can deny this instinct anymore....
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new home, it's mine, and i love it. working on lots of things, i hope i can live up to what i want.
i dropped almost 400$ on my buddy's 21st bday.
happy bday!!!
Happy Birthday!
i rock
that is all
that is all
welcome back! where were you were?
thank u for the request
a couple of shows in the next week, word phantoms like a mother fucker.
you are back!
they put me on medication, and it's not doing a god damn thing. it doesn't even help me sleep, like it's supposed to. Two roads... split off from here, and my life goes running in opposite directions. exaggerating the barrier between who I am, and who I want to be. oh me, oh my, what is a boy to do?
keep taking the meds, give them time to work through your system. call/text me when you need me.
don't be silly. doing things alone isn't always the best idea. i'll still be around if things go awry.
two suicide attempts in two weeks. hey i might need help.
you have my number and i don't sleep much. call/text if you need/want to.
funny story,
since that last post my g/f of eight months broke up with me, through text message.
so much for in it for the long haul
since that last post my g/f of eight months broke up with me, through text message.
so much for in it for the long haul
well, i'm working in franklin now. i'm a doorgirl/server at new york new york. you should come see me on saturday night.
i texted you, but you didn't reply. you missed a good time. i work tonight too, you should come by.
Sledding and snow ball fights are being had all over today!