she wears a sorrow her beauty can't hide
i pray she sheds it and sleeps the whole night
she wakes when she dreams
she sleeps when she wakes

now sleep my sweet girl
and dream of better day

there are moments when i just can't put anything going through my head into words, lately i've been feeling just that way. for the most part anyway....
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your way to amazing
I am going to be on aim for a bit if you want to chat, it helps me get through work

"Tragedy blows through your life like a tornado, uprooting everything, creating chaos. You wait for the dust to settle, and then you choose. You can live in the wreckage and pretend it's still the mansion you remember. Or you can crawl from the rubble and slowly rebuild. Because after disaster strikes, the important thing is that you move on. But if you're like me, you...
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you are very pretty! love
Omg you win smile snorty laughes make me melt smile
warning: this will be yet another sad bastard post, please be advised...

i've always been the one not to ask for help, to solve any and ever problem i got myself into by my own and probably other's problems as well. i've tried to be a self sufficient and self reliant as i could. not wanting to be some one else's burden.

i can do...
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i think it might be a part of the human condition to constantly think that there is something wrong with you own person. although this could also just be me making an attempt to quiet my mind and make me feel slightly better.

i've been having these days more often than not.

i feel bumbling, unsure of my life, and numb. the last one is...
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I wish i was as cute as u
What do you want to be doing? (And I know with some people, it can be more of a matter of "who". tongue )


i will never for the life of me understand why people won't make the effort to get in touch with each other or why they wait so long to do so. isn't this "information age" suppose to make it easier and faster to stay in contact with one another?

yet all i ever seem to get is broken conversations, no emails, no ringing telephone,...
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true dat! true dat!
I recently got an email from someone I kind of gave up on a couple of years ago after a long time of being "the communicator". It's sitting in my inbox waiting for a response, but I don't know... maybe it should sit a while so this person understands how it feels (or it will likely fly overhead). It's a generosity thing, it's graciousness thing, it's a consideration thing.

Some people have it, some people do not.

damn it.
damn it.
damn it.
damn it.
and damn it all to hell.

i just wish i knew what was going to happen next, to be prepared, to see it coming, i hate not knowing.

i just don't want to be the one left behind......

well, well, well....

i am back in PA and finally have something loosely called "internet" although for being as slow as it is i call it "bastard."

the move went okay, i suppose, but i am a bit down lately. it's not the same here. i miss my cats, my friends, certain streets, having money, among other things. all in all being "home" is pretty...
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So why did you move in the first place again? Sounds like this move was not quite as beneficial as you were hoping, THAT SUX. I hope things get better and it was great to hear an update from you. Take care. kiss

in a matter of minutes i'm going to be on a ten hour drive back home...

i'll be back soon. biggrin

i am a packing machine...

not really. i keep taking breaks, getting distracted, taking a nap here and there. i really need to get my ass in gear. i need to be done packing tonight! my dad comes into town sunday night and we are leaving on monday. damn, i have a lot left to do.

so why in the world am i on the...
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hey lovely, i saw your tattoo in the new tattoo thread and just wanted to know where the words 'hope is never lost' came from. are they song lyrics?
i/ve had the same words tattooed on my wrist since 2003 after a friend said those words to me and was just curious if they originated from somewhere
thanks for getting back to me doll...it was my wrist!!


my internet has been out for days, stupid storms. sorry Cage_E for the abrupt exit from our conversation, dumb internet

i *finally* decided to go through with the move back to PA. i actually leave this weekend, which will be all sorts of sad and bittersweet. i'm trying not to think too much about it....

now if only i could get off my ass and...
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Glad your back on my dear. Your new tatt looks great I can kinda see what you mean with the red but over all fucking awesome. I wish you luck with the move back to pa. Now get your booty moving you got packing to be done. kiss