I feel like I keep making these great plans that just get shot down. Like, I wanted to do that semester in London, but then read that my gpa wasn't high enough... even though now I just found a thing saying that it was all along. Great. And then the other night I decided that it would be best for me to just take a couple classes next semester: 3-D Design (because until I take that, I can't take a single class that I want to, and apparently it's crazy amounts of work), and choir (because I love it).
Problem with this is, if I'm not a full-time student I get kicked off my dad's health insurance. So I'll just get insurance through work, right? Wrong.
Looked at the insurance stuff today at work; turns out their prescription plan is... not for me. They only cover up to $250 (one of my medications is $350 without insurance), and only up to $1,250 a year.
So... looks like I'm going to need another semester of doing poorly in classes that I hate and being totally overworked.
Problem with this is, if I'm not a full-time student I get kicked off my dad's health insurance. So I'll just get insurance through work, right? Wrong.
Looked at the insurance stuff today at work; turns out their prescription plan is... not for me. They only cover up to $250 (one of my medications is $350 without insurance), and only up to $1,250 a year.
So... looks like I'm going to need another semester of doing poorly in classes that I hate and being totally overworked.
Aww, thanks sweetheart-less.