I Love You Man was so much better than the previews. My love for Paul Rudd has been solidified. And Rashida Jones. And LA. And even Jason Segal, who I thought was maybe overrated, but he's not really. Giant, but not overrated. I was listening to one of the Slate podcasts about this movie and the commentators hated it - especially the fart scene. But, really, if you're gonna have a fart scene, that movie did it right.
I also loved one of Rashida Jones's shirts in the movie. As it turns out, I'm not the only one.
That's the only movie I've seen this year.
I also loved one of Rashida Jones's shirts in the movie. As it turns out, I'm not the only one.
That's the only movie I've seen this year.
Some reviews were pretty harsh. What did you think?
i have a facebook account, but it's under a pseudonym, cause my parents and niece and nephew are on there, and my friends are all degenerates who leave comments that would probably make my folks worry and my sister's kids cry.
it's under the name Warren G. Harding. the only way you can tell it's me is by the snarky comments and the little picture of me on his boutonniere. and the birthday is right, cuz i want presents, dammit.
p.s. happy easter. i forgive you. (i wish i could add the sound effect of someone losing a Price is Right game here)