jezebel is the bee's knees. it is like sassy magazine for the internets. in the past few days, they've had posts about my favorite version of alice in wonderland - the one from 1985 with sammy davis jr and patrick duffy and john stamos and carol channing and scott baio and sherman hemsley and basically everyone else who was alive.
and a post about writing fan letters to your celeb crushes, which i TOTALLY did. in my tweens, better known then as 11-12ish, i wrote basically everyone who was alive. i got christmas cards from the clintons, a handwritten postcard from ethan hawke's grandma and autographed 8x10s by everyone from bob barker to the governator.
and, finally, today the posted something about the celeb family feud, which i would never, ever watch except! that yesterday they had on all the girls from the girls next door. and i just love them. so i watched. but now i don't feel guilty, cuz so did the other jezebels.
and a post about writing fan letters to your celeb crushes, which i TOTALLY did. in my tweens, better known then as 11-12ish, i wrote basically everyone who was alive. i got christmas cards from the clintons, a handwritten postcard from ethan hawke's grandma and autographed 8x10s by everyone from bob barker to the governator.
and, finally, today the posted something about the celeb family feud, which i would never, ever watch except! that yesterday they had on all the girls from the girls next door. and i just love them. so i watched. but now i don't feel guilty, cuz so did the other jezebels.

Split Ends: I've seen a few episodes. Hilarious!