1. "Say, "You poop into my butt hole and I poop into your butt hole ... back and forth ... forever." -Robbie, Me and You and Everyone We Know
2. So last week I was alone in my apartment watching the movie Dark Water.. you know, that thriller from earlier this summer where Jennifer Connelly moves into a scary, dirty NYC apartment building and has to deal with scary, dirty water coming from nowhere? WELL, in the middle of it, I heard a very strange (indeed) noise, so I walked over the my kitchen to investigate and saw that my sink, which hadn't been used for hours, was full of scary dirty water and ready to spill over the sides. So I dipped a Tupperware container in there to try and prevent the spillage when the water started gushing out from the cabinet below the sink. Nobody had used any water whatsoever in the apartment for hours, so it seemingly came out of nowhere. My roommate was in her cult meeting (no joke) so I sort of ran around my aparment barefoot in cirlces panicking while our super ignored repeated phone calls. CREEPY.
Also, if you've seen it, remember how she applies for some sort of unrewarding job? That's literally one block away from where I live.
2. So last week I was alone in my apartment watching the movie Dark Water.. you know, that thriller from earlier this summer where Jennifer Connelly moves into a scary, dirty NYC apartment building and has to deal with scary, dirty water coming from nowhere? WELL, in the middle of it, I heard a very strange (indeed) noise, so I walked over the my kitchen to investigate and saw that my sink, which hadn't been used for hours, was full of scary dirty water and ready to spill over the sides. So I dipped a Tupperware container in there to try and prevent the spillage when the water started gushing out from the cabinet below the sink. Nobody had used any water whatsoever in the apartment for hours, so it seemingly came out of nowhere. My roommate was in her cult meeting (no joke) so I sort of ran around my aparment barefoot in cirlces panicking while our super ignored repeated phone calls. CREEPY.
Also, if you've seen it, remember how she applies for some sort of unrewarding job? That's literally one block away from where I live.

since i haven't seen the movie, and since it happened so close to where you live...
perhaps the movie isn't a horror movie, but a drama detailing the plumbing woes of the young new yorker.
well, that IS scary i guess.