what a month.
this time 4 weeks ago i was just gettin off a plane after eight and half hours, three shite films and a bruised elbow.
I then had the most amzing 2 weeks of my 26 years (im not exagerrating) met some great people, and someone special, was pretty well drunk for the most of the time.
Travelled about 1100km went up and fell down a few mountains, rafted down kicking horse river, built some fires, slept in a camper van, heard some coyote's(possibly) outside my trailer tent
saw some bull riding, bucking horses and miniature donkeys. got ripped off at a sideshow, eat my body wieght in steak, saw (well im not too convinced) the aurora borealis, shopped at wal-mart, watched farrenhieght 911(the whole movie theatre gave it a standing ovasion!) eat some chicken wings, smoked alot of cigarettes, came 5th out of 6 in go-carting (it stalled!) nearly went bowling,did some serious off-roading in a chevy impalla and didnt get all that sunburnt.
Then came back to chronic jet lag,cramp, another sore elbow and my boss telling me "well we get the impression you hate your job, dont want to be here and we dont trust you to do the work."
of course i didnt say what i should have said "you've hit the nail on the head sunshine, ill get my coat!" no i pussied out and apologised for my apparent attitude and promised to try harder
so in conclusion, canada is cool. england isnt.
this time 4 weeks ago i was just gettin off a plane after eight and half hours, three shite films and a bruised elbow.
I then had the most amzing 2 weeks of my 26 years (im not exagerrating) met some great people, and someone special, was pretty well drunk for the most of the time.
Travelled about 1100km went up and fell down a few mountains, rafted down kicking horse river, built some fires, slept in a camper van, heard some coyote's(possibly) outside my trailer tent
saw some bull riding, bucking horses and miniature donkeys. got ripped off at a sideshow, eat my body wieght in steak, saw (well im not too convinced) the aurora borealis, shopped at wal-mart, watched farrenhieght 911(the whole movie theatre gave it a standing ovasion!) eat some chicken wings, smoked alot of cigarettes, came 5th out of 6 in go-carting (it stalled!) nearly went bowling,did some serious off-roading in a chevy impalla and didnt get all that sunburnt.
Then came back to chronic jet lag,cramp, another sore elbow and my boss telling me "well we get the impression you hate your job, dont want to be here and we dont trust you to do the work."
of course i didnt say what i should have said "you've hit the nail on the head sunshine, ill get my coat!" no i pussied out and apologised for my apparent attitude and promised to try harder

so in conclusion, canada is cool. england isnt.