Friday Apr 11, 2003 Apr 11, 2003 0 Facebook Tweet Email I finally went out and bought Xenosaga last night. There goes my free time for the next month or so. VIEW 6 of 6 COMMENTS mora: i know it may be hard to belive, but i'm serious when i say it has never happened to me. the walk of shame doesn't happen to THIS girl. doesn't mean i haven't made a few boys walk it before though... Apr 12, 2003 scattershot: video game ... yes?? video games are the bomb. but I havent got anything worth playing right now... need to buy a playstation 2 although if this isn't a video game just disregard my comments and have a great day. Apr 12, 2003
although if this isn't a video game just disregard my comments and have a great day.