Here we go again. Spending most of my time outside in the cities, you tend to meet a lot of interesting people, mostly homeless. If your not a complete asshole and actually care to talk to these people, cause thats what they are, you will actually come across some pretty good stories, as well as some down right nice people. Oh, some assholes too, and crazies no doubt. Take the guy I met today, Pat was his name. 60 years old, didnt ask me for a thing but an ear to listen to. We talked, well, he mostly talked, about what life was like back when he was a kid, and how fucked up things are now. He tended to go off on tangents about nothing, but throughout the hour and a half I spent out in the sun talking to him, he did say some very interesting things. One of them I feel compelled to share.
He was telling me about something to wich I replied, "Oh I know..." He stopped his story mid sentence and told me, "Be careful with that answer, I KNOW, it can get you into trouble." "It can get you into trouble for the simple reason that the truth is, you dont know shit when it comes to the big picture."
You know what, he's fuckin a right. Ive been all over this world and spent most of it in the streets with my skateboard and camera, and with that, one tends to get a pretty good bead on things. But if you take all my knowledge, it wouldnt fill a shot glass compared to the bigger scope of things. I dont know shit, but Ill tell you what. Im going to keep pressing on in the pursuit of knowing more. Because really, what are we without knowledge?. Anyways, there is my little story for the day. So now you know, and knowing is half the battle, G.I. fucking Joe.
He was telling me about something to wich I replied, "Oh I know..." He stopped his story mid sentence and told me, "Be careful with that answer, I KNOW, it can get you into trouble." "It can get you into trouble for the simple reason that the truth is, you dont know shit when it comes to the big picture."
You know what, he's fuckin a right. Ive been all over this world and spent most of it in the streets with my skateboard and camera, and with that, one tends to get a pretty good bead on things. But if you take all my knowledge, it wouldnt fill a shot glass compared to the bigger scope of things. I dont know shit, but Ill tell you what. Im going to keep pressing on in the pursuit of knowing more. Because really, what are we without knowledge?. Anyways, there is my little story for the day. So now you know, and knowing is half the battle, G.I. fucking Joe.