@rambo @lyxzen @missy want to know what goals we have (what we'd like to acheive this year) we all are guilty from time to time of dreaming to big and then being disappointed
So I'm going to keep this brief and realistic, this year I aim (and I know this one is happening) to go to Wembley for a concert and have a bloody good time. I won't say whom I'm going for you'll all guess anyway.
I want to move house but I wants never get, I'd like to move house is what I should of said. With a garden for the dog and I can have some flowers and water them. Pretty garden to sit in and drink tea. At work I hopefully will of sorted this new position out for myself which entitles me to better hours and more social time for myself, so I can spend time with family and friends again.
I want to book my holiday to disneyland florida with my big sister and start saving for that, and aslong as the people I love are all safe and well I don't ask for anything else.
Maybe a unicorn.