I love the smell of popcorn when you first open the toffee flavour bag. And I love the smell of fabric conditioner on my fresh bedding out the dryer, when I bathe I have rhubarb and custard smelly bubbles I smell like a sweetie ;)
My all time favourite smell is Sunday lunch when your hungry. I'd like to say flowers but they make me sneeze. I do like the smell of a cigar too, oddly.
Much love. Live long and prosper.
@feeniks awww that sounded nice. I like coconut aswell,makes me want to go on holiday smell. But I am hoping for a viking holiday in October and the smell of pines and forests is what I crAve. The smell of a fire in the woods to keep warm in a log cabin.Â
O o o the smell of cinnamon pretzels makes me drool spitÂ