set by @rambo @lyxen @charmaine
Well my top 5 changes from what mood I am, I like all genres of music. Music is wonderful.
5) I have to say i adore anything by SOAD because since aged like 12 I have always found them cool as pie. Thats my sisters doing she was a goth back in the day and i slowly got introduced to stuff like cradle of filth and korn. SOAD spiders is a personal fave.
4) Lamb of God Black Label always gets me shouty. LOVE THEM. seen them so many times now its weird.
3) the elegants little star its very retro but i used to get sang to sleep to it. <3
2) Slipknot SIC or the song the nameless is actually about his obsession *all hail corey*
My fave song at the moment is..................hmm tricky but what ive listened to for ages now is
1) Pantera cowboys from hell