First off: Boobs! 
I would love to make a blog dedicated to side and under boob. Its fucking sexy. Would you follow it?
What else is new....
I won a contest at work, I was one of the top 25 OM's in the nation. This lead to me getting flown to Minneapolis for 3 days and getting to run through a store filled with prizes for 60 seconds. Its pretty unreal, like as seen on TV shit. Still glad I left my previous career for the new on. Maybe ill get you an iPad.
This guy is new.

This was taken the day after it was done.
What else, what else... I'm pretty lame. But i am excited its spring/summer time. Hoping to get to a Denver Crusers event. Drinking, dressing stupid and bikes, sound like a plan. Pride is a monthish away, cant wait!
From earlier today:

Please note the similarities in the tank top...

I would love to make a blog dedicated to side and under boob. Its fucking sexy. Would you follow it?
What else is new....
I won a contest at work, I was one of the top 25 OM's in the nation. This lead to me getting flown to Minneapolis for 3 days and getting to run through a store filled with prizes for 60 seconds. Its pretty unreal, like as seen on TV shit. Still glad I left my previous career for the new on. Maybe ill get you an iPad.

This guy is new.

This was taken the day after it was done.
What else, what else... I'm pretty lame. But i am excited its spring/summer time. Hoping to get to a Denver Crusers event. Drinking, dressing stupid and bikes, sound like a plan. Pride is a monthish away, cant wait!
From earlier today:

Please note the similarities in the tank top...

My ex-boyfriend used to do Denver Cruisers stuff quite a bit, but he was always too cool to dress up. *eyeroll* However, he was ace at being drunk on a bicycle.