ha-ha, i'm really stilll here!
have you ever been to a tea-house named Dobra - it is world famous, and located in your ville

I'm definitely going to hit it up next time I'm in the area

you mysterious son-of-a-bitch!
ever notice how, most of the shoppers out there
aren't qualified buyers; and most of those qualified
aren't interested in shopping, or find creative alternatives
on the black market? either way, when you remove yourself,
it makes for one great show. and i used to think that was enough.
but, older now, it just seems so tired and sad to think that all
there is...
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it's beginning to hurt.
and sometimes intentions
get confused. but,
we know what we like,
and we like what we know.
so, we breathe slower,
push harder, feel it rise,
and just let it flow.
yes yes

my flow improves everytime I drop by your page

breath consciousness is something I've learned recently from a Buddhist book on breath meditation: Breath by Breath: the liberating practice of insight meditation by Larry Rosenburg

... but I needed that reminder
... and now Im taking flack for being a dead-beat on the internet. Im not certain, but I think that's one of the signs of the apocalypse. seriously though, this entry is predestined to a pathetic existence, like so many of us. an anecdote to elaborate: I once gave a friend two mix CDS I made. in retrospect, she commented, "I liked the first you...
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I like the workings of your brain

we are similar with respect to diminishing adaptibility - and discomfort with the social sphere of circumscribed productivity ...

I have no desire to go along to get along - and yet like everyone else I am bound up in market forces

although I'm drawn to a life of solitude and total disconnection - I also recognize a need to converse ... which is mainly what I am doing here on SG

and with people like you to converse with - the pleasure is all mine
i don't say much anymore.
i left my life in three states
in two weekends, and it takes
most of my time just to dodge
the words that come flying at me.
i love that poem
happy birthday! biggrin miao!! ooo aaa bok robot smile kiss
have you been eaten by Champ?

say something to me - or I may have to alert the authorities

this just in: enigmatic wordsmith missing-in-action

may have choked on a chunk of chedder

send out the grammar police!
i've left so many
pieces of myself
in all those nooks
i'll never know again
how to find. will
i ever be whole?
i can't remember the last time i wasn't in this ethereal coma state. however, i'm relatively certain that i don't really have any desire to do so, either.
"i think i need to go to bed", she said. and
he either didn't understand, or merely acted
as though he didn't comprehend. either way,
neither of the two would ever be clear.
I do not know which to prefer
the beauty of inflection
or the beauty of innuendo
the blackbird whistling
or just after

Wallace Stevens
it's been a while and, damn it, i paid money for this; so maybe i'll spill some of my personal version of insanity into the vast web, even if mediated by this-sensational, trendy, erotico-syndicate, corporate whore under the guise of feminin sexual empowerment. ...but it's true; there is simply nothing better than young, beautiful, naked, girls. even i, in my 4 am delirious rantings cannot...
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today represents the re-introduction of the internet to our humble abode. i thought that i would mark the occassion with an entry here. however, i'm feeling strained to spin forth much more than a drab pittance of a monologue. -maybe i'll just touch myself to the latest set. hmm
the best i can muster
is amusement at my predictability,
when realizing that
i only visit this site when i'm high.
but i supose i'm no less
lucid or coherent now
than i am in any other state
that i may use to ennact
my innevitable confusion.
at the risk of sounding cryptic (because i was just called that), prophetic, and pathetic, all at once, but...
tonight i saw my death.
but it's so glorious!

...overloading on the good stuff. life is the embodiement of chaotic irony!