from off-the-grid
three room cabin
to million dollar
condo in west LA
exhausted resources
and irrelevant potentialities
heart-spilled vacuum and
pathetic namelessness
240 dollars worth of asprin,
corruption of a minor,
a cashed out mutual fund,
and a one week coke binge.
a full stomach and sinusses
with sucked dry synapses,
forgotten distances and
clossness, remembered
pathways of drug paranoia,
all blend seemlessly
into a...
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three room cabin
to million dollar
condo in west LA
exhausted resources
and irrelevant potentialities
heart-spilled vacuum and
pathetic namelessness
240 dollars worth of asprin,
corruption of a minor,
a cashed out mutual fund,
and a one week coke binge.
a full stomach and sinusses
with sucked dry synapses,
forgotten distances and
clossness, remembered
pathways of drug paranoia,
all blend seemlessly
into a...
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last night
fairy-tale sarcophagus;
bruised and barnacled algorithm
-an ex-communicated contaminate.
foresight forgot inside another chasm.
rip-tide, land-slide, and yet another
delectable disaster at the hands
of innocent mediocrity. forgotten
exorcism incomplete. an infinite
categorization subjugates the moment.
fairy-tale sarcophagus;
bruised and barnacled algorithm
-an ex-communicated contaminate.
foresight forgot inside another chasm.
rip-tide, land-slide, and yet another
delectable disaster at the hands
of innocent mediocrity. forgotten
exorcism incomplete. an infinite
categorization subjugates the moment.
I do not know which to prefer
The beauty of inflection,
Or the beauty of innuendo.
The blackbird whistling -
Or just after.
-Wallace Stevens-
Thirteen Ways Of Looking At A Blackbird:#5
I do not know which to prefer
The beauty of inflection,
Or the beauty of innuendo.
The blackbird whistling -
Or just after.
-Wallace Stevens-
Thirteen Ways Of Looking At A Blackbird:#5
terror and a table-cloth preclude
another extravaganza of wondrous pain.
-the pain that sails ships and exists in the infinity
of an idea. is there much else, besides a tomorrow afraid
to come? reels of smoke and obscure background music can't conceal.
the playground of the pitiful is a sorry, bleeding page. an everyday ice-burg of isolation
suggested in kind; more of the same nothing...
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another extravaganza of wondrous pain.
-the pain that sails ships and exists in the infinity
of an idea. is there much else, besides a tomorrow afraid
to come? reels of smoke and obscure background music can't conceal.
the playground of the pitiful is a sorry, bleeding page. an everyday ice-burg of isolation
suggested in kind; more of the same nothing...
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the words come from you like a torrent
fierce disturbing and true
I hope you are well
fierce disturbing and true
I hope you are well
i used to think for fun.
breathing ruined me.
these walls are hung
with my achievements;
still i betray them.
i can breach them,
like all else, with piercing
cunning and blunt wit.
none is sacred. none is safe.
machines buzz and i inhale.
there is nothing left to keep.
breathing ruined me.
these walls are hung
with my achievements;
still i betray them.
i can breach them,
like all else, with piercing
cunning and blunt wit.
none is sacred. none is safe.
machines buzz and i inhale.
there is nothing left to keep.
I like.
I love your words, Sir
I hope you are well
I hope you are well
we are the ones
that never got over
the loss of innocence.
we are those swallowed
by the seething scar tissue.
frozen in the everyday of our
own demise, we are the gangsters
of nothing. we have done it over more
ways than the moments we have murdered.
if i actually got a job i would be the ideal american
after all, my default mode...
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I love your vitriolic explosions here and in your zines
and thank you - I like being associated with you
atleast you know that you are rotting from within and are passionate about it - most are content to wallow in shit without a whiff of introspection or concern
the difference between you and me is that you turn your misanthropy into art - I don't have that alchemy
so you are an inspiration
and thank you - I like being associated with you
atleast you know that you are rotting from within and are passionate about it - most are content to wallow in shit without a whiff of introspection or concern
the difference between you and me is that you turn your misanthropy into art - I don't have that alchemy
so you are an inspiration
I have a set that is waiting to go up, I just don't know when SG is going to put it up
to everyone:
stop talking AT people
from the corners of your mouth
it's not witty, it's not funny, it's not cool
try talking TO people
if you have something to say,
say it clearly and directly
everything exudes its own true essence
you need not mediate with flawed influences.
let it be. -said before now
said again- let it be.
to everyone:
stop talking AT people
from the corners of your mouth
it's not witty, it's not funny, it's not cool
try talking TO people
if you have something to say,
say it clearly and directly
everything exudes its own true essence
you need not mediate with flawed influences.
let it be. -said before now
said again- let it be.
sometimes he remembered where everything was. it was as difficult as a new-boot, two-butt, cross-eyed, cracked-windshield drive across town. yet, as immediate as a phone call from that one person you actually wanted to hear from. everyone talked much shit about the natural order of things. he had seen himself as both the prince and the pauper. he was addicted to the former, though his...
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easy paragraph replacement;
smooth, the inhale fumegation.
bombarded retail enhancement.
further the exotic happenstance.
allure, allure, cannot respire inside.
bring the categorical defeat forthwith.
we taste the episodic heroic non-sequetor.
smooth, the inhale fumegation.
bombarded retail enhancement.
further the exotic happenstance.
allure, allure, cannot respire inside.
bring the categorical defeat forthwith.
we taste the episodic heroic non-sequetor.
I love your words, sir
you may not believe this ...
but some people have more to worry about
than their latest stock option, or where to find their
next one-night stand. some people don't have water to drink, or
shoes to wear. some people have no idea who they are or where
those voices come from.
some people have never known the face of love, and never will.
some people live in a world of death and fear,
every day. you may not believe this ...
but these people are you.
thanks again for the gift of your creativity
you may not believe this ...
but some people have more to worry about
than their latest stock option, or where to find their
next one-night stand. some people don't have water to drink, or
shoes to wear. some people have no idea who they are or where
those voices come from.
some people have never known the face of love, and never will.
some people live in a world of death and fear,
every day. you may not believe this ...
but these people are you.
thanks again for the gift of your creativity

I am drunk on your words
thanks for sending - you,Sir, are brilliant and I am thrilled to know you
I'm not much of a friend but I'm glad you take comfort from me
be well
and thanks again - I'm astonished!
thanks for sending - you,Sir, are brilliant and I am thrilled to know you
I'm not much of a friend but I'm glad you take comfort from me
be well
and thanks again - I'm astonished!
where are you
when nothing in your presence will cooperate?
where are you
when the way you're going is never the same?
where are you
when the place you want to be isn't a place?
-gasoline havens,
-basement garage harems,
-dirty needles look clean
since they never see
the light of day.
man is his environment.
staggering back-post droops, groping for harrasment into gargoylian kindred....
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o.k., o.k., how about this...
if anyone posts me a comment, i'll send them a free book or zine!!PP
(if you want material mailed to you, please include shipping info.)
I'll post you poetry, young man - because I loves you (any other material benefits are auxiliary)
my favorit poem by Ted Hughes
Fragment Of An Ancient Tablet
Above - the well-known lips, delicately downed.
Below - beard between thighs.
Above - her brow, the notable casket of gems.
Below - the belly with its blood knot.
Above - many a painful frown.
Below - the ticking bomb of the future.
Above - her perfect teeth, with the hint of a fang at the corner.
Below - the millstones of two worlds.
Above - a word and a sigh.
Below - gouts of blood and babies.
Above - the face, shaped like a perfect heart
Below - the heart's torn face.
John Cromie
157 Lancaster Street
Albany, NY 12210
my favorit poem by Ted Hughes
Fragment Of An Ancient Tablet
Above - the well-known lips, delicately downed.
Below - beard between thighs.
Above - her brow, the notable casket of gems.
Below - the belly with its blood knot.
Above - many a painful frown.
Below - the ticking bomb of the future.
Above - her perfect teeth, with the hint of a fang at the corner.
Below - the millstones of two worlds.
Above - a word and a sigh.
Below - gouts of blood and babies.
Above - the face, shaped like a perfect heart
Below - the heart's torn face.
John Cromie
157 Lancaster Street
Albany, NY 12210
the pages loomed heavily over the strained senses of a sick system. telling is never the same
as showing. tepid trundles perch precocious, lofty, loads. overflow is an inevitability in the course
of any cycle. bare-bones and metallic mobiles; exercise awkward grace. so we carry on.