Wanted to get into something different today seeing as my last few posts were on the negative side. Unfortunately, my circumstances are still the same. If not for my wife who reassures and believes in me. I would probably not see an out. Which made me think of one of my favorite quotes from the book/movie Tales of Earthsea.
"Theru: You think your life belongs to you? Tenar gave me life. That's why I have to live, to give life to someone else. Lebannen... that's the only way we live forever."
It's amazing to me how hard it is to see the good qualities we have in ourselves. And how important it is for us to be the inspiration for those around us. Anyone can look and see the bad in something or what is wrong with a situation. Rather, be the good we want to see in the world instead of expecting it to come up to our door and greet us.
I think this place does that for people. It gives empowerment which is something we need more then ever.