great googily moogily, what a weekend. being the smart man that i am, i took today off for detoxification. and it seems that not only do i need to work all the alcohol out of my system, but i need to get back in touch with reality as far as women are concerned.
you see, i spent the weekend in snow shoe PA for a buddy's bachelor party. and we stumbled upon this portal in reality known as the crossroads gentlemen's club. absolute middle of nowhere. hottest and friendliest women working there. it was so good the first night that we bailed on the idea of going to the more upscale joint in state college because we knew it would not hold a candle to what we had found. phenomenal.
oh yeah, we also played poker, wiffle ball, and horseshoes during the daylight hours. oh yeah and drank lots of beer.
but now, like the rest of my BP cohorts, i have this problem. kind of a pornographic psychosis if you will. you expect every other woman you see to instantaneously begin to strip. and while most men actually expect that on a regular day anyway, this feeling is amplified with the porn psychosis. you feel yourself calculatiing in your mind how many ones you have in your pocket for when the show starts, and think you may need to get change.
but the place was great. and one of the girls just absolutely turned me on saturday night. see, when i am sitting at the stage and she is dancing in front of me, i feel creepy as fuck if i am just staring at her vaguji or whatever part of her body she feels the need to accentuate at that point. i am an eyes man. now, a hot girl that can dance and keep my eyes will be etched in my brain forever. you just rely on your peripheral vision to keep up with what she is doing and then allow her to fuck you with her eyes. i love it.
i know that my journals are usually, as trent from swingers would put it, all puppy dogs and ice cream, but today i am just in one of those moods. i really enjoy having sex, and occasionally i get that primal sort of urge to just fuck. the kind that is going to only be interupted to give my back a rest. the kind where clean up the next day is going to be in multiple rooms including wiping down kitchen and bathroom counters. just a fuck day. that should be a holiday. once a month, you would get a vacation day just for fucking.
but alas, i am missing the key element of fuck day. someone to fuck. this too will pass, and i will be back to puppy dogs and ice cream in no time. damn.
UPDATE much better now.
you see, i spent the weekend in snow shoe PA for a buddy's bachelor party. and we stumbled upon this portal in reality known as the crossroads gentlemen's club. absolute middle of nowhere. hottest and friendliest women working there. it was so good the first night that we bailed on the idea of going to the more upscale joint in state college because we knew it would not hold a candle to what we had found. phenomenal.
oh yeah, we also played poker, wiffle ball, and horseshoes during the daylight hours. oh yeah and drank lots of beer.
but now, like the rest of my BP cohorts, i have this problem. kind of a pornographic psychosis if you will. you expect every other woman you see to instantaneously begin to strip. and while most men actually expect that on a regular day anyway, this feeling is amplified with the porn psychosis. you feel yourself calculatiing in your mind how many ones you have in your pocket for when the show starts, and think you may need to get change.
but the place was great. and one of the girls just absolutely turned me on saturday night. see, when i am sitting at the stage and she is dancing in front of me, i feel creepy as fuck if i am just staring at her vaguji or whatever part of her body she feels the need to accentuate at that point. i am an eyes man. now, a hot girl that can dance and keep my eyes will be etched in my brain forever. you just rely on your peripheral vision to keep up with what she is doing and then allow her to fuck you with her eyes. i love it.
i know that my journals are usually, as trent from swingers would put it, all puppy dogs and ice cream, but today i am just in one of those moods. i really enjoy having sex, and occasionally i get that primal sort of urge to just fuck. the kind that is going to only be interupted to give my back a rest. the kind where clean up the next day is going to be in multiple rooms including wiping down kitchen and bathroom counters. just a fuck day. that should be a holiday. once a month, you would get a vacation day just for fucking.
but alas, i am missing the key element of fuck day. someone to fuck. this too will pass, and i will be back to puppy dogs and ice cream in no time. damn.
UPDATE much better now.

It's weird...He's known the guy who hosts the table for nearly 8 years. It makes me sick. I tend to always find the good in people. Now I don't want to trust anybody at the table.
Yeah, I heard about the charlotte thingy but its just tooo far to drive for a few hours. Even driving to Chapel hill sometimes feels like a long trek to me. Have fun and toast a beer with Thriftx2Horatio and Southernbelle for me!