DId i just get my account revived somehow????

EDIT: ok im gonna put more meat on this.... i've been working mainly, car is now fixed, and im still the same horny guy as always (ladies hit me up!
). No but srsly, life has been kinda meh... some fun here and there, some annoyances here and there, im still single, and prolly will be for a loooooooong while, relationship problems just never got fixed.... im officially back in the market haha and saving up to buy a rally car!!!

EDIT: ok im gonna put more meat on this.... i've been working mainly, car is now fixed, and im still the same horny guy as always (ladies hit me up!

haha yessss i ammm!! how are you?!

thats a good question. Its kind of punk alternative ish. This band just really speaks to me for some reason!