Current events:
School's out, and it looks like it'll be back to the lab again starting this weekend (I'm going in tomorrow to see about getting my old job back). Most everything's the same, save for being in Fort Worth instead of Richardson. I feel like I'm more removed than ever from this place, that is, I feel like I'm not back home so much as away from it. It's not a negative feeling, necessarily, just a unique one.
I bought lots of books the other day. Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, I,Robot, Good Omens, and Darwin's Black Box. I also bought another copy of The Skystone. I'm curious as to how long it'll be before I give away this one. Half-Price Books is a beautiful establishment.
Hopefully I can hang out with Funky Town friends this weekend. I'm thinking I might catch a flick on Sunday, coffee with a friend on Saturday. Tentative plans are better than no plans at all. I just hope I'm not thrown into an overwhelming work schedule. It would be my luck to be foiled by a full weekend shift.
Ahab is cold and lonely. I'm actually considering busting him out sometime this break. Who's game?
School's out, and it looks like it'll be back to the lab again starting this weekend (I'm going in tomorrow to see about getting my old job back). Most everything's the same, save for being in Fort Worth instead of Richardson. I feel like I'm more removed than ever from this place, that is, I feel like I'm not back home so much as away from it. It's not a negative feeling, necessarily, just a unique one.
I bought lots of books the other day. Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, I,Robot, Good Omens, and Darwin's Black Box. I also bought another copy of The Skystone. I'm curious as to how long it'll be before I give away this one. Half-Price Books is a beautiful establishment.
Hopefully I can hang out with Funky Town friends this weekend. I'm thinking I might catch a flick on Sunday, coffee with a friend on Saturday. Tentative plans are better than no plans at all. I just hope I'm not thrown into an overwhelming work schedule. It would be my luck to be foiled by a full weekend shift.
Ahab is cold and lonely. I'm actually considering busting him out sometime this break. Who's game?
which movie?
superbad is fucking hilarious and sweeny todd is making me want to pee my pantszorz.