Well, it looks as if all those years of partying have finally caught up with me. My heart is fucked and beating at an average of a hundred beats a minute. According to the child in the Doctor's coat (he looked about ten!) my lifestyle may be affecting my health. Well duh. So maybe I should calm down a bit, get a hobby that doesn't include ten pints of death-strength lager with double vodka and coke chasers. Yes ladies, I am that classy. Also, the quiet night in (I like to call them liver reparation nights) must no longer include forty cigarettes and a litre of the cheapest red wine that the shop down the road sells. It sounds bad but I just like drinking and I'm quite good at it ( not in the alcohalic sense though).
Sadly, all this has led to a heart beat that I've had to nickname 'thumper'. Bollocks. I have an ECG test scheduled for friday and a blood test next week.
I think I may have picked the wrong time to start my health regime. I think I should have started it last year.
Sadly, all this has led to a heart beat that I've had to nickname 'thumper'. Bollocks. I have an ECG test scheduled for friday and a blood test next week.
I think I may have picked the wrong time to start my health regime. I think I should have started it last year.

Trust is a difficult thing to gain back. The same thing happened to me. I couldn't get past it and the distance just killed us after a year. We just figured it was best to try and stay friends and look for a true-er love.
oh my we are of the same class, but te heart is important so try to slow down