Isn't this website strange. I was initially lured by the pretty ladies and the chance to see bottoms. What can I say, I'm a bloke. I wouldn't say I'm deeply perverted nor would I profess to wanting to catch a suicide girl. I'm quite happy in my own relationship and my lady is satisfied that my affair with this website is nominal. What I can't quite understand is how my views towards this website have changed in the past few weeks. Yes, the ogling still occurs and yes I still adore the bottoms of the many beautiful ladies but I find myself reading more than staring.
I suppose its like reading a friends diary or momentarily understanding what someone is going through. Some of these ladies' journals have made me laugh out loud (thanks Nic) and others have made me feel concerned (Quinne). All of it has made me feel good. Hell, I find the hardest effort comes in trying to not sound cliched when writing comments.
The urge to recieve comments has left me, as has the urge to search instantly for tits (though the latter hasn't totally and I hope it never does ).
I never used to really believe in these sort of communities but I guess I was wrong.
I suppose its like reading a friends diary or momentarily understanding what someone is going through. Some of these ladies' journals have made me laugh out loud (thanks Nic) and others have made me feel concerned (Quinne). All of it has made me feel good. Hell, I find the hardest effort comes in trying to not sound cliched when writing comments.
The urge to recieve comments has left me, as has the urge to search instantly for tits (though the latter hasn't totally and I hope it never does ).
I never used to really believe in these sort of communities but I guess I was wrong.