My housemate is a pussy. Ever since he started going out w/ his girlfriend 3 months ago he hasn't made a decision w/o her approval. Now she lives w/ us and doesn't pay rent, but he still pays less than his share because he thinks he's entitled to special treatment; he's not from SB and he can't afford expensive rent...but he won't settle for a roommate to bring his rent down.
I used to like his girlfriend...and I used to like him. We were all bros. But he is so fargone and pussified that he can't even see the forest for the trees anymore. Me and my girlfriend have never burnt bridges to be together so I don't understand why he's so hellbent on ostracizing his friends to be w/ a girl that frankly is too immature to trust him w/ alone time.
I used to like his girlfriend...and I used to like him. We were all bros. But he is so fargone and pussified that he can't even see the forest for the trees anymore. Me and my girlfriend have never burnt bridges to be together so I don't understand why he's so hellbent on ostracizing his friends to be w/ a girl that frankly is too immature to trust him w/ alone time.
